


  • Pilot application of isolated perfused rat kidney model for discovery and evaluation of uricosuric drug

    离体大鼠肾脏灌流 技术在发现和评价 尿酸 排泄药物中的初步应用

  • Aim To establish a in vitro model for discovery and evaluation of uricosuric drug we established a reliable rat isolated perfused kidney ( IPK ) preparation and observed urate excretion characterization in absence or presence of probenecid in perfusate by IPK .

    目的为建立发现和评价 尿酸 排泄药物作用的离体模型,采用离体大鼠肾脏灌流技术,观察尿酸在离体肾脏中排泄特点和丙磺舒对尿酸排泄影响。

  • Conlusion : As same as Narcaricin mite the domestic Benzbromarone is an effective and safe uricosuric medicine and is convenient to use .

    结论:国产苯溴 马龙胶囊是一强力排尿酸药,使用方便安全。