

n.迷走神经(vagus的复数)迷走神经( vagus的名词复数 )

  • When the abdominal vagi or cervical vagi was blocked ABP and CO recovered quickly ( P > 0.05 ) . But there were differences in terms of different levels of vagal block .

    这种变化在阻断颈部或腹部 迷走神经后,又很快恢复至加压前水平(P>0.05),但动脉血压和心 输出量的恢复速度,按迷走神经的阻断 部位不同而有所差异。

  • Effect of Electro-stimulation of Central Ends of Cervical Vagi on Release of Catecholamine from Adrenal Medulla in Rats

    电刺激大鼠颈 迷走神经中枢端引起的肾上腺髓质释放儿茶酚胺反应

  • METHOD : Cerebral ischemia of mouse was produced by partial Ligation of bilateral common carotid arteries with vagi .

    方法:不完全结扎小鼠一侧颈总动脉及 迷走神经,另侧完全结扎造成脑缺血, 观察 6h 卒中 指数12h 存活时间和 死亡率;体外生成 O·2。

  • The central and peripheral projections of the nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi ( NDV ) were studied by fluorescein double labeling technique .

    本文利用荧光素双标记法研究了 迷走神经背核 中枢及周围部的分支投射。

  • Relations between Depressor Effect Induced by Stimulation of Peripheral Ends of Abdominal Vagi and Serotonin

    家兔腹部 迷走神经外周端降压反应与5-羟色胺的关系

  • ObjectiveTo observe projections of nervus auricularis vagi in brain stem of oblongata level and to study the mechanism of auricular acupuncture .

    目的观察支配耳甲区 迷走神经在延髓水平中枢的投射情况,探讨耳针作用机理。

  • The electron microscopy of ganglion nodosum cells after section of the vagi in forty adult rats were studied .

    本文对40只成年大鼠的结状神经节细胞于 切断 迷走神经后进行了电镜研究。

  • It is suggested that the variability of RRI is mainly regulated by the vagi and the role of right vagi is more important than that of the left .

    结果表明:心率变异主要由 迷走神经调节,右侧迷走神经起主要作用;

  • Observations on Ultramicroscopic Structural Changes in the Ganglion Nodosum Cells Following Section of the Vagi

    切断 迷走神经后大鼠结状神经节细胞超微结构的变化

  • Conclusion These results indicate that vagi may play an important neural role in the significant decrease of ABP and CO induced by acute high biliary pressure .

    结论胆道高压所致的家兔血液动力学 变化,与 迷走神经 活动 有关并且 推断可能是一种神经 反射机制。

  • Role of Ventrolateral Medulla in Pressor Response Elicited by Stimulation of Abdominal Vagi in Cats

    延髓腹外侧区在猫腹 迷走神经加压反应中的作用

  • The effect of stimulating the auricular liver-gall acupoint with electrode on synaptic of nucleus Originis dorsalis nervi vagi in rabbits

    耳压对胆囊炎胆石症镇痛的观察电极刺激兔耳 肝胆穴对迷走背核突触亚微结构的影响

  • It is suggested that the afferent impulses of vagi and somatic nerves may stimulate or inhibit E or NE release from adrenal medulla selectively .

    表明 迷走神经和躯体神经的传入冲动可选择性刺激或抑制E或NE的释放。

  • The Central and Peripheral Projections of the Nucleus Dorsalis Nervi Vagi : A Fluorescein Double Labeling Study

    迷走神经背核 中枢及周围部的分支投射-荧光素双标记法研究

  • Effect of activities of vagi and sympathetic nervous system on heart rati variability
