vacuum pump

[ˈvækjuəm pʌmp][ˈvækjuəm pʌmp]


  • Prepare the vacuum pump for negative pressure ranges .

    就负压范围准备 真空

  • The utility model relates to a rotor of a vacuum pump a blower and a fluid conveying pump .

    本实用新型涉及 真空 、鼓风机及液体输送泵的一种转子。

  • The fan motor is applied to vacuum pump and bigger starting torque 's machine .

    主要用于 小型 真空 驱动和启动力矩较大的场合。

  • Major equipment : clean water pump chemicals feeding pump vacuum pump and mud scraper etc.

    主要设备:清水泵、加药泵、 真空 、刮泥机等。

  • Adopt pneumatic suction system noiseless and easy maintenance to avoid vacuum pump problem .

    采用气动流式吸纸系统,故障少,声音小,易保养;有别于 真空 之保养问题。

  • Parametric Design and CAD System Development of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

    水环 真空 参数化设计与CAD系统开发

  • The utility model provides a double-stage slide valve vacuum pump which consists of an air pipe and two slide valve cylinders .

    一种双级滑阀 真空 ,由气路管道和二级滑阀缸组成。

  • Replace sealing rings on the vacuum pump and vacuum hose .

    更换 真空 和真空软管上的密封圈。

  • Application of water ring centrifugal vacuum pump in oxygen filling system

    水环离心 真空 在氧气充装系统中的应用

  • Inside the cabinet are an air compressor and a vacuum pump .

    盒子内部是一台空气压缩机和一台 真空

  • Process water is fed to the vacuum pump for lubrication / cooling .

    工艺水进入到 真空 起润滑/冷却的作用。

  • The air portion of the filtrate is extracted from the top of the Receiver by the Vacuum Pump .

    滤液中的气体部分由 真空 从接收罐的顶部抽出。

  • Delicate servo controlling system and external vacuum pump auto vacuum turn on and turn off during laminating process .

    伺服控制系统与外置 真空巧妙 结合,在贴合工艺中根据 贴合状态开启或自动真空。

  • Remove lower generator mounting bolt and remove generator / vacuum pump from vehicle .

    拆去下端发电机安置螺栓,并从汽车上拆去发电机/ 真空

  • This article introduced the operating principles process and application of water-ring vacuum pump in aniline production .

    介绍了水环 真空 的工作原理、工作流程及其在苯胺生产中的应用情况。

  • Test Study on influence of working water 's inlet temperature upon performance of the water-ring vacuum pump and the condenser

    工作水进口温度对水环式 真空 及凝汽器性能影响的试验

  • Analysis to the data suggests that suitable operation to compressor and vacuum pump can save energy and the actual result fits well to this conclusion .

    在结果分析的基础上发现对压缩机和 真空 进行合理的操作可以达到节能的目的。

  • The Influence and Improving Measures of Water Jet Condensation Vacuum Pump on Vacuum Drying System

    水喷射 真空冷凝 对真空干燥系统的影响及提高措施

  • Vacuum pump management standard must be established and the equipment condition must be managed periodically according to the criteria .

    必须建立 真空 管理标准和条件必须定期管理设备状态。

  • By using a symmetric structure for the rotor shape the utility model effectively improves dynamic balance capability of the rotor of the vacuum pump and decreases rotating noise of the pump .

    它采用对称的转子形状结构,有效地提高了 真空 转子的动平衡性能,有效降低了泵的运转噪声。

  • Type selection and design of vacuum pump for PSA

    变压吸附装置中 真空 的设计选型与计算

  • The utility model relates to a preservation type water-jet vacuum pump which comprises a Venturi tube a sucking room and a jet .

    本实用新型涉及一种防腐型水喷射 真空 ,它包括文丘里管、吸入室和喷嘴。

  • Vacuum feeder is a vacuum feeding machine by using pneumatic vacuum pump as vacuum source .

    真空上料机是利用气动 真空 作为真空源的一种真空输送机。

  • The vacuum pump is used to provide a vacuum environment for the freezing-drying cabinet and the condensers so as to enable the moisture in the materials to sublimate in the vacuum .

    真空 的作用是给冻干箱和冷凝器提供一个真空环境,使物料的水份可以在真空下进行升华。

  • A vacuum pump creates negative pressure for correct operation of the filtrate recovery system .

    电离压力 真空w_509计 真空 产生的负压是保证滤液回收系统的正确运行。

  • It consists air blowing system heating system vacuum vehicle vacuum pump vacuum valve and alarm equipment .

    本机组由风循环系统、加热系统、真空车、 真空 、真空阀等部件组成,并设有报警装置。

  • Research and improvment of clogged vacuum pump blowdown system

    脱硫 真空 排污系统阻塞原因分析与改进

  • A vacuum pump is used to provide the vacuum for the brake booster .

    真空 用于给制动助力器提供真空。

  • Refer to Group 5 Brake System for vacuum pump information and testing .

    参照第5组,煞车系统来得到 真空 的资讯和测试。

  • When you loosen the fastening screws engine oil will run out of the vacuum pump .

    松开紧固螺钉时,发动机机油将从 真空 中流出。