vacuum molding

[ˈvækjuəm ˈmoldɪŋ][ˈvækjuəm ˈməuldiŋ]


  • The vacuum drying process parameters of silica sol shell molding gained by the experiments are that drying temperature drying time and vacuum are 80 ~ 100 ℃ 5 h and 0.06 ~ 0.07 MPa respectively .

    通过实验得到一组硅溶胶壳 真空干燥工艺参数:干燥温度80~100℃,干燥时间5h和真空度0.06~0.07MPa。

  • Under Pressure Vacuum Sealed Molding Casting Process

    压力下 真空密封 造型铸造

  • Making epoxy plastics patterns in vacuum molding

    真空 造型 制作环氧塑料铸模

  • Technology and application of vacuum pulp - molding

    纸浆 真空 模塑 成型技术及应用

  • Key Problems Analysis and Countermeasures of Vacuum Sealed Molding Casting Al-Si Alloy

    铸造铝硅合金 真空密封 造型 工艺难点分析

  • The new techniques in vacuum casting molding and liquid injection molding of silicone rubber were also described .

    并介绍了 真空浇注 成型和液体注射成型等硅橡胶加工的新技术。

  • Study on Vacuum Sealed Molding & Casting Process under Pressure

    真空密封 造型&压力铸造工艺的研究

  • The application of auxiliary mould of rubber and thermal contractible plastic in composite parts by vacuum bag / autoclave molding was studied .

    主要研究了橡胶、热收缩塑料用作辅助工装在 真空袋/热压罐 成型复合材料制件中的应用。

  • The reflecting antenna of high precision surface and electrical property is manufactured through rational mold design and wet molding process combined with vacuum bag molding process .

    通过合理的模具设计,运用湿法成型和 真空相结合的工艺研制了双反射面天线反射体。其 面精度高,电气指标一致性好。

  • The Development of Automatic Plastics - sucking Machine with Vacuum - molding

    自动 真空 吸塑 成型机的研究开发

  • Shaping principle of vacuum filtering of pulp - molding

    纸浆 模塑 真空 滤成形机理研究

  • Rheological model and behaviors of resin system for vacuum infusion molding process

    真空导入 模塑工艺树脂体系化学流变特性及流变模型

  • An investigation of the mechanism of film stripping the selection of a proper film-stripping agent as well as the determination of the temperature of spraying solution are reported for the vacuum sealed molding process with sprayed cellulose acetate film .

    本文对喷涂醋酸纤维素薄膜的 真空密封 造型,进行了包括探讨脱膜机理、选择适用的脱膜剂、确定膜液温度等方面的实用性研究,得出了最佳的涂膜厚度。

  • Principle method and equipment of compression injection vacuum transmission and rotatory molding for fluorinated ethylene-propylene ( FEP ) are reviewed .

    叙述了聚全氟乙烯(FEP)树脂的压缩、注射、 真空、传递和旋转 成型的原理、方法、 工艺和设备。

  • Application of Vacuum Sealed Cooling Technology in Molding Procedure Automation for Full Mold Casting

    负压冷却技术在 工序中的应用

  • Vacuum molding technology to develop improved FR ⅲ appliance clinical study

    真空 成型技术研制改良FRⅢ型矫治器的临床应用

  • Study on vacuum assisted resin transfer molding for high-temperature resisting and insulating GFRP tube

    耐高温绝缘GFRP管的 真空辅助树脂传递 成型 工艺研究

  • Vacuum forming process is an important part in thermoplastic molding process .

    热塑性 成型工艺中一个重要部分是 真空 吸塑成型工艺。

  • Analysis on Resistance of Vacuum Filtering Molding Process

    纸浆 模塑 真空 成型阻力因素分析

  • For vacuum worm type extrusion press the physics essence of plasticizing powder extrusion molding ( PEM ) process based on a novel binder system and using cemented carbide powder as a test material has been analyzed .

    以硬质合金材质体系为对象,针对目前主要的一类挤压成形设备& 真空螺杆挤压机,开发出了一种增塑粉末挤压 成形新技术。

  • In this paper how to ensure liquid steel and molding quality was introduced and so on the vacuum seal molding technology characteristics was analyzed the sand preparation flow was expatiated .

    同时介绍了如何保证钢水质量、造型质量等,分析了 V造型工艺的主要特点,阐述了砂处理的工艺流程。

  • The fabric samples were prepared with three different weaving densities and consolidated with vacuum assisted resin transfer molding ( VARTM ) technique .

    以平纹机织工艺制备三种不同织造密度平纹织物,用 真空辅助树脂转移传递( VARTM)法完成环氧树脂浸润及复合材料试件固化。