


  • However the body is the ultimate healer and those who become aware of their deteriorating conditions can reverse them by using UROPATHY and other simple guidelines .

    然而,身体是最终医治者并且对它恶化状态得以了解就能通过应用 尿疗和其它简单指导 使它逆转。

  • Uropathy was written to help sick people recover their health and to help healthy people live healthier lives and function happily .

    尿疗 一书帮助有病的人恢复他们的健康和帮助健康人更健康地生活和工作愉快。

  • The inspection of visible components in the urine is one of three greatest routine inspections . This detection item is of great value to the diagnosis treatment and curative effect monitoring in the nephropathy 、 uropathy 、 hepatopathy and metabolic diseases .

    尿液有形成分的检查是医院的三大常规检验之一,该检测项目对肾与 尿道 疾病、肝脏疾病、代谢性疾病的诊断、治疗及疗效监测具有重要价值。

  • The severity of obstructive uropathy can be evaluated according to the spectral changes of ultrasonography .

    由频谱的变化可以评估 阻塞泌尿 病变的严重性。

  • Uropathy The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy is more than just a treatise on the uses of urine .


  • The possibility of obstructive uropathy was completely excluded by retrograde pyelography .

    逆行性肾盂摄影检查完全排除阻塞性 病变的可能性。

  • We experienced a case of bladder transitional cell carcinoma ( TCC ) with obstructive uropathy and rupture of the renal pelvis .

    我们有一膀胱过渡上皮癌病例,合并 输尿管阻塞及肾盂破裂;

  • Martin Lara discovered the science of Uropathy when his own health problems compelled him to analyze his diet and lifestyle .

    拉腊发现了 尿疗科学,当他自身健康问题强迫他去分析他的饮食和生活方式。