vacuum condensation

[ˈvækjuəm ˌkɑndɛnˈseʃən][ˈvækjuəm ˌkɔndenˈseɪʃən]


  • The process of the experiment adopts vacuum drying and the sulfonation time is controled two hours condensation temperature lowered 30 ℃ condensation time in four hours and neutralization temperature lowered 80 ℃ .

    实验过程中控制磺化时间2h, 缩合温度小于30℃,缩合时间4h,中和温度小于80℃,采用 真空干燥。

  • The feasibility of extraction of crude Ag crude Bi and crude Zn by vacuum distillation of Bi-Ag-Zn crust was demonstrated theoretically and the appropriate conditions of vacuum distillation and condensation were determined .

    理论上论证了用真空蒸馏法处理多元合金铋银锌壳制取粗银和铋锌合金(或粗铋与粗锌)的可能性,确定了恰当的 真空蒸馏条件和 冷凝条件。

  • The Vacuum Gets Rid of the Condensation Systematic Technology of Oxygen to Improve

    真空除氧 冷凝系统技术改进

  • The degree of vacuum during condensation is in the order of 10-5 Torr .

    凝聚时的 真空度为10~(-θ)乇量级。

  • Under higher vacuum ( 0.05 MPa ) condition for larger Re number ( 34755 ) the overall coefficients of ion implanted tube tube bundles are about 1.43 times those of the common ones and the condensation heat-transfer coefficient around 2 times .

    在较高 真空 (0.05MPa)和较大Re数(34755)下,等离子管束的总换热系数约为普通铜管管束的1.43倍, 凝结换热系数约为普通铜管管束的2倍。

  • Under the vacuum condition seal is very important problem because the uncondensable gas has great influence on the heat transfer under condensation .

    真空条件下,不凝性气体含量对 凝结换热影响较大,应重视冷凝器的密封问题;

  • DESALINATION BY VACUUM FREEZING - VAPOR CONDENSATION Vapor - Phase Synthesis of N N - Diethyl Aniline

    真空冷冻&汽相 冷凝海水淡化新技术研究气相法合成N,N-二乙基苯胺

  • Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation Rates of Volatile Condensable Materials

    真空 条件下可凝挥发物蒸发和 凝结速率的分析

  • Therefore a low temperature liquid helium vapour pump has been laid within the drift pipe of the NBI system to maintain continual vacuum by using the condensation of hydrogen and its isotope in the beam .

    为此,在NBI系统漂移管道内放置了一台液氦低温冷凝泵,以 冷凝束流中的氢及氢的同位素来保持动态 真空

  • Vacuum distillation combining vaporization and condensation

    汽化与 冷凝结合的 真空蒸馏

  • Design of vacuum condensation crystallization boiler

    真空 浓缩结晶锅的设计