vaccenic acid

[化] 11-十八碳烯酸[医] 异油酸,十八碳二烯-7,8-酸

  • Effect of sunflower oil and calcium pyruvate supplementation on rumen digestion metabolism and accumulation of trans vaccenic acid in rumen digesta of goats

    葵花油和丙酮酸钙对山羊瘤胃消化代谢与瘤胃内反式 油酸积累的影响

  • Study on Vaccenic Fatty Acid Content in Milk and Meat from Ruminants

    奶制品及反刍动物肉类 食物 n-11 脂肪 含量研究

  • Content of vaccenic acid and linolenic acid in liver and chest muscle in experiment group 1 were significantly higher than that of the experiment group 2 ( P < 0.05 ) .

    试验1组肝脏和胸肌 中亚 油酸和亚麻酸的含量与试验2组差异显著(P<005)。