



  • How to evaluate the effect of vaccinate .

    如何进行 预防 接种的效果评价?

  • A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration pneumonia and high fever . Vaccinate every year for prevention .

    一种严重的传染病,可 口腔溃烂、肺炎及高烧。预防 方法 每年 防疫 注射

  • In Iraq text messages were used to support a campaign to vaccinate nearly5m children against polio .

    伊拉克则利用短信来支持一项 大约五百万儿童预防 接种脊髓灰质炎 疫苗的行动。

  • Our policy to vaccinate girls against cervical cancer is one of the biggest public health campaigns in recent history .

    我们的预防子宫颈癌 接种政策是近代史上最大的公共卫生活动之一。

  • For that part the researchers will have to vaccinate large numbers of volunteers and find out whether they later become infected with HIV through daily living .

    对后者来说,研究者必须 免疫很大数量的志愿者,并且调查他们是否将在接下来日常生活中感染HIV。

  • I helped fix windmills vaccinate cattle and do other chores .

    我帮忙修理风车, 接种 疫苗,也做其它家务。

  • Health workers say it is important to vaccinate all children in a community .

    从事健康工作的人员表示在一个社区内对所有的孩子使用小儿 麻痹 疫苗是非常重要的。

  • ANN GINSBERG : So when you do a vaccine trial you have to vaccinate people and watch them for years .

    ANNGINSBERG:所以当你进行疫苗试验时,你必须对人们进行 疫苗 接种并观察多年。

  • Doctors vaccinate us so that we do not catch smallpox .

    医生 我们 预防 使我们不会得天花。

  • Local health officials can then plan the best times to vaccinate people .

    当地卫生官员就可以计划在最佳时机为人们 接种 疫苗

  • Vaccinate for one disease at a time .

    每次 接种一种疫苗。

  • A pilot scheme to vaccinate children against German measles .

    为儿童 接种抗风疹疫苗的试验计

  • The decision about whether to vaccinate with an inactivated but much more costly vaccine will be a difficult one especially for poor countries they add .

    他们补充说,是否 接种昂贵得多的灭活 疫苗将是一个困难的决定,特别是对那些穷国。

  • But pneumococcal vaccine might be a different situation and one in which there might be no urgency to vaccinate .

    但肺炎球菌疫苗的情况可能不同, 病人可能并不迫切需要 接种 疫苗

  • They vaccinate our children and help us to recover when we are sick .

    他们对我们的儿童进行 预防 接种并帮助我们在患病时康复。

  • President Gerald Ford announced a plan to vaccinate everyone in the country .

    杰拉尔德•福特总统宣布了一项国内 全民 免疫 接种的计划。

  • Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper

    狗必须 接种犬瘟热疫苗

  • He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance .

    他认为自己能找到一种从安全距离给大象 接种 疫苗的方法。

  • They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease .

    为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子们 注射 疫苗

  • Therefore in this prospective double-blind study the researchers looked to see if it is worth waiting to vaccinate until after patients have been on ART and their viral loads are suppressed .

    因此,在这个前瞻性双盲研究中,研究人员希望知道,是否值得等待到患者进行ART治疗、病毒载量受到抑制后再 进行 疫苗 接种

  • Beyond plan of children vaccinate vaccine even what want have an inoculation ?

    儿童 预防 接种疫苗 程序表以外的还要哪些要接种的吗?

  • Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate eight million children after a case of polio was reported there .

    卫生组织在一件小儿麻痹症的案例被 曝光后发起了 八百万儿童打 预防 的战役。

  • Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough ?

    你给你的孩子 百日咳 疫苗了吗?

  • Measles mumps and whooping cough are spreading again because children are not being vaccinated .

    因为孩子们没 接种 疫苗,麻疹、腮腺炎和百日咳又蔓延开来。

  • That is to vaccinate a pullet flock at least twice for IBD .

    这就是 对青年鸡至少进行2次ibd免疫。

  • We need to continue efforts to vaccinate and to put the needs of children in Africa first .

    我们需要继续努力 接种 疫苗并把非洲儿童的需要放在首要 位置

  • Did you vaccinate your dog with rabies vaccine ?

    你有没有 你的狗打狂犬疫苗?

  • The ideas include a'stealth weapon'for destroying HIV and for using mosquitoes as'flying syringes'to vaccinate people .

    这些创意包括摧毁艾滋病毒的“秘密武器”和用蚊子作为 人们 接种 疫苗的“飞行注射器”。

  • In India there is preliminary data that capture neuter vaccinate and release programs may be able to eliminate human rabies as a serious problem .

    在印度,有夺取的初步数据,中性, 接种,并且发行节目也许能消灭人的狂犬病作为一个严重的问题。

  • In fact other researchers have used the empty viral shell to vaccinate monkeys and even humans .

    事实上,其他学者已经使用空病毒衣壳来 免疫猴子,甚至人。