


  • Since then scientists have continued to study vaccinia as a platform to develop vaccines against other diseases .

    此后,科学家们一直研究 痘苗 病毒,把它作为一个平台来开发对抗其他疾病的疫苗。

  • Selection of cell lines for production of recombinant hepatitis C virus using the vaccinia virus expression system


  • BHK-21 cell line was infected by TMEV and Vaccinia virus to prepare specific virus antigen .

    用TMEV和 痘苗病毒感染BHK-21细胞,制备病毒特异抗原,确定包被抗原和标准阳性血清的最佳工作浓度;并进行敏感性、特异性、重复性和稳定性实验。

  • Because smallpox vaccine uses live vaccinia virus it can sometimes cause severe and sometimes fatal side effects .

    因为天花疫苗是使用活的 疫苗病毒,有时它会造成严重的,可能会致命的不良反应。

  • Issued an interim guidance on the use of smallpox vaccine cidofovir and vaccinia immune globulin in the setting of an outbreak of monkeypox .

    发布对在猴痘暴发区域里使用天花疫苗、cidofovir和 牛痘免疫球蛋白的临时指导

  • That 's what the vaccinia virus seems to be saying after it invades a cell and prevents its companions from following suit .


  • Virus Load Test to Assist Clinical Diagnosis of AIDS Selection of cell lines for production of recombinant hepatitis C virus using the vaccinia virus expression system

    病毒载量检测技术用于艾滋病的辅助诊断 痘苗病毒辅助的重组丙型肝炎病毒生产体系中生产细胞的选择

  • CB could be expressed in high yield by vaccinia virus eukaryotic expression system .


  • Extract from Rabbit Skin Inflamed by Vaccinia Virus for Injection Different Route of Administration in Rats after Sciatic Nerve Injury Regeneration and Repair


  • Vaccinia story tells us that the fight against infectious disease needs the concerted efforts of all countries in the world .


  • Thanks to its resemblance to the smallpox virus researchers were able to use vaccinia as a vaccine for the disease eventually leading to its eradication in the late1970s .

    多亏痘苗 病毒跟天花病毒有相似之处,研究人员能够利用 痘苗 病毒作为疫苗来预防天花,最终在20世纪70年代末期彻底消灭了天花病毒。

  • Purification of H5N1 Hemagglutinin Expressed by Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses and Kinetics of Anti-Oseltamivir Neuraminidase

    H5N1血凝素蛋白的重组 牛痘病毒表达纯化以及耐奥司他韦神经氨酸酶动力学研究

  • The researchers began by removing two genes from a vaccinia virus that are necessary for its growth in normal cells .

    研究人员们首先将 痘苗病毒中在正常细胞中生长所必须的两个基因去除。

  • Recombinant vaccinia virus containing hepatitis A virus gene could induce ELISA competition inhibition and neutralizing antibodies in rabbits .

    用DNA重组技术得到的含甲肝病毒基因的 重组 痘苗病毒,可在家兔体内产生ELISA竞争抑制与中和抗体。

  • Assuming they utilize the same protein complex as vaccinia he says researchers may be able to fight these infections by blocking the interaction of the two proteins .

    他说,假如这些 病毒利用了 痘苗一样的蛋白复合物,那么研究人员或许能够通过阻断两种蛋白质的反应来抗击这些感染。

  • When other vaccinia viruses come knocking long projections of another protein actin shoot out from the cell membrane causing the virus to bounce off .

    当其他的 痘苗病毒前来攻击的时候,另一种蛋白质&肌动蛋白中长长的射丝就开始从细胞膜里发射出来,将病毒弹射回去。

  • ObjectiveTo obtain human recombinant CD20 molecule and study the expression of human CD20 in vaccinia virus .

    目的获得重组人CD20分子并研究编码人CD20的基因在 痘苗病毒中的表达。

  • Objective To investigate expression of IL 6 in non replicating vaccinia virus and its immune effects on recombinant virus .

    目的研究白细胞介素6(IL6)在非复制 痘苗病毒中的表达及其对重组痘苗病毒免疫效果的影响。

  • The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus which is the agent of smallpox .


  • Vaccinia virus ' infection provides us favorable model to explore the infectious mechanism of orthopoxvirus .


  • Vaccinia virus expression vector construction of human papillomavirus type 16 、 18 E6 / E7 fusion gene

    HPV16、18型E6/E7融合基因 痘苗病毒表达载体的构建

  • Thermal Stability of Rabies Virus Glucoprotein Recombinant Vaccinia Virus

    狂犬病毒糖蛋白重组 痘苗病毒的热稳定性

  • It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus ( variola ) the virus used in the smallpox vaccine ( vaccinia ) and the cowpox virus .

    它属于一个包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和 牛痘病毒的病毒组。

  • Vaccinia doesn 't cause diseases in humans but it has helped us fight them .

    痘苗 病毒在人类中不会引起疾病,相反它曾帮助我们对抗疾病。

  • Construction of recombined vaccinia virus expressing human CEA

    表达人癌胚抗原重组 痘苗病毒的构建

  • The construction of vaccinia virus vector and its characters were reviewed in this paper .

    综述了 重组 痘苗病毒载体的构建及其特性。

  • Persons with any new genital lesion including lesions suspected to have been caused by vaccinia infection should avoid sexual contact and consult a health-care provider .

    有生殖器损伤的人,包括因 注射 牛痘 病毒而导致的感染,都应避免性生活,与卫生保健工作者联系。

  • Cell biologist Michael Way of the London Research Institute agrees that other viruses may also use the vaccinia infection strategy .

    伦敦研究所的细胞生物学家迈克尔·韦同样认为,其他的病毒也可能运用了 痘苗的感染策略。