vaccinia virus

[vækˈsɪniə ˈvaɪrəs][vækˈsiniə ˈvaiərəs]


  • Extract from Rabbit Skin Inflamed by Vaccinia Virus for Injection Different Route of Administration in Rats after Sciatic Nerve Injury Regeneration and Repair

    牛痘 疫苗致炎兔皮提取物注射液不同的给药途经对大鼠坐骨神经损伤后再生与修复的影响

  • Reaction of Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Expressed Rabies Virus Glucoprotein to Rodents

    表达狂犬病毒糖蛋白的重组 痘苗 病毒对啮齿动物接种的反应

  • BHK-21 cell line was infected by TMEV and Vaccinia virus to prepare specific virus antigen .

    用TMEV和 痘苗 病毒感染BHK-21细胞,制备病毒特异抗原,确定包被抗原和标准阳性血清的最佳工作浓度;并进行敏感性、特异性、重复性和稳定性实验。

  • Objective : To investigate the antitumor effect of CpG-ODN combining non-replicating recombinant vaccinia virus in tumor immunotherapy .

    目的:研究CpG联合非复制重组 痘苗 病毒在肿瘤免疫治疗中的效果。

  • Expression of HIV 2 env Gene in E.coli and Recombinant Vaccinia Virus

    HIV-2env基因在大肠杆菌和重组 痘苗 病毒中的表达

  • The construction of vaccinia virus vector and its characters were reviewed in this paper .

    综述了 重组 痘苗 病毒载体的构建及其特性。

  • Results Both vaccinia virus and vaccinia virus plus MMT improved the humoral and cellular immunological functions of immunized mice .

    结果 使用 痘苗 病毒和/或加入MMT加强免疫DNA疫苗后,均可以提高其体液和细胞免疫功能。

  • Immune response in mice to recombinant vaccinia virus expressing hemagglutinin of influenza virus

    小鼠对重组 痘苗 病毒表达流感病毒血凝素的免疫反应

  • Study on the infectivity of vaccinia virus in equine cells

    痘苗 病毒对马属动物细胞的感染性研究

  • Methods Oligonucleotide probes were designed and synthesized according to the specific genes of vaccinia virus .

    方法根据 痘苗 病毒特异基因设计寡核苷酸探针,人工合成探针后制备寡核苷酸芯片。

  • Virus Load Test to Assist Clinical Diagnosis of AIDS Selection of cell lines for production of recombinant hepatitis C virus using the vaccinia virus expression system

    病毒载量检测技术用于艾滋病的辅助诊断 痘苗 病毒辅助的重组丙型肝炎病毒生产体系中生产细胞的选择

  • Recombinant vaccinia virus containing hepatitis A virus gene could induce ELISA competition inhibition and neutralizing antibodies in rabbits .

    用DNA重组技术得到的含甲肝病毒基因的 重组 痘苗 病毒,可在家兔体内产生ELISA竞争抑制与中和抗体。

  • The Infection Efficiencies and EGFP Expression Levels of Recombinant Vaccinia Virus in Different Mammalian Cell Lines

    重组 痘苗 病毒对不同哺乳动物细胞株的感染效率及EGFP表达水平研究

  • The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus which is the agent of smallpox .

    痘苗 病毒使用在牛痘苗时是无害的,因为它与作为传播天花媒介物的天花病毒相关。

  • Vaccinia virus ' infection provides us favorable model to explore the infectious mechanism of orthopoxvirus .

    痘苗 病毒作为痘病毒的最佳研究对象,其体外感染为我们探索正痘 病毒侵染机制提供了良好的研究模型。

  • Construction of recombined vaccinia virus expressing human CEA

    表达人癌胚抗原重组 痘苗 病毒的构建

  • IL-6R-recombinant vaccinia virus VIL 6R was obtained by inserting IL-6R cDNA into TK gene of vaccinia virus .

    本文通过将IL-6RcDNA重组到痘苗病毒的TK基因中构建成重组 痘苗 病毒VIL6R。

  • Expressing Poliovirus ( Type I ) and Hepatitis A Virus Antigens by Recombinant Vaccinia Virus

    重组 痘苗 病毒载体表达脊髓灰质炎病毒(Ⅰ型)及甲型肝炎病毒 抗原

  • Preparation and identification of recombinant vaccinia virus harboring Hantaan virus S gene

    汉滩病毒S基因- 重组 痘苗 病毒的制备和表达鉴定

  • The researchers began by removing two genes from a vaccinia virus that are necessary for its growth in normal cells .

    研究人员们首先将 痘苗 病毒中在正常细胞中生长所必须的两个基因去除。

  • Because smallpox vaccine uses live vaccinia virus it can sometimes cause severe and sometimes fatal side effects .

    因为天花疫苗是使用活的 疫苗 病毒,有时它会造成严重的,可能会致命的不良反应。

  • Thermal Stability of Rabies Virus Glucoprotein Recombinant Vaccinia Virus

    狂犬病毒糖蛋白重组 痘苗 病毒的热稳定性

  • Vaccinia virus expression vector construction of human papillomavirus type 16 、 18 E6 / E7 fusion gene

    HPV16、18型E6/E7融合基因 痘苗 病毒表达载体的构建

  • Selection of cell lines for production of recombinant hepatitis C virus using the vaccinia virus expression system

    痘苗 病毒辅助的重组丙型肝炎病毒生产体系中生产细胞的选择

  • CB could be expressed in high yield by vaccinia virus eukaryotic expression system .

    痘苗 病毒真核表达系统可以高效表达目的蛋白。

  • ObjectiveTo obtain human recombinant CD20 molecule and study the expression of human CD20 in vaccinia virus .

    目的获得重组人CD20分子并研究编码人CD20的基因在 痘苗 病毒中的表达。

  • Objective To investigate expression of IL 6 in non replicating vaccinia virus and its immune effects on recombinant virus .

    目的研究白细胞介素6(IL6)在非复制 痘苗 病毒中的表达及其对重组痘苗病毒免疫效果的影响。

  • Expression of fusion protein and hemagglutinin of measles virus in vaccinia virus

    麻疹病毒融合蛋白(F)和血凝素(HA)在 痘苗 病毒中的表达

  • That 's what the vaccinia virus seems to be saying after it invades a cell and prevents its companions from following suit .

    痘苗 病毒侵入一个细胞之后就好象一直在说这句话,阻止其他痘苗病毒跟着进来。