


  • What the writers paid more attention to is the vacillation of the land belief and the variation of the traditional value idea caused by the leaving-earth and the farmer 's survival condition as well as their cultural status .

    作家们最为关注的是离土引发的土地信仰的 动摇、传统价值观念的变异和农民的生存境况的恶化以及他们在新的历史条件下的文化地位。

  • Some people who to the Marxism belief the suspicion the vacillation even give up transfers believes in the religion the authority the money the superstition and so on .

    对马克思主义信仰产生怀疑、 动摇甚至放弃的人们, 伴随着大众信仰对象由一 多元转变的 趋势,转而信奉宗教、权力、金钱、迷信等以 寻求 精神 慰藉

  • The Birth and Vacillation of China 's Modernity

    中国现代性的发生与 游移

  • Given Angela Merkel 's central role perhaps we should not have been surprised at the vacillation .

    考虑到安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)所扮演的关键角色,或许我们本不该对 欧元 优柔寡断感到意外。

  • For critics on the right of politics diplomacy and engagement have become synonyms for vacillation and weakness .

    对于右翼的政治评论人士而言,外交与接触已变成 优柔寡断和软弱的同义词。

  • In order to achieve this objective public ownership sector should be developed without any vacillation . As a result workers and peasants can be members of mid-income group .

    实现这一目标,必须毫不 动摇地发展公有制经济,让工人和农民加入中等收入者群体。

  • What supporters see as empathy these critics depict as weakness and vacillation .

    支持者所说的同情心,被批评者描述为软弱和 优柔寡断

  • His constant vacillation make him an unfit administrator .

    他经常的 优柔寡断使他不适于当行政官。

  • Any vacillation or procrastination any contrary policy is absolutely wrong .

    任何的 动摇和懈怠,任何与此相反的方针,都是绝对错误的。

  • Analysis of vacillation mode in the atmosphere system with interaction between the basic flow and the waves

    高维守 恒律 方程基本波的相互作用与 演化波流相互作用的大气系统中 振荡模态的分析

  • Oppose all vacillation and compromise .

    反对任何的 动摇妥协。

  • The conciseness and uncertainty in literary works and the vacillation between the lines all offer opportunities of adaption .

    文学作品字里行间的凝练与不确定性, 文字 意指 游移,都为电影改编创造了条件。

  • How did the experiment / practice start in China ? What were the difficulties and challenges ? Exploration in Vacillation and Hesitation : The Difficulties and Challenges for UN Peacekeeping Operations

    在大陆的实验/践是怎样开始的?有什麽困难和挑战? 摇摆与彷徨中的探索&联合国维和行动面临的困难与挑战

  • It first come with the particularity of melody and vacillation in two inflexion . ' Twill not be ! then change thy note ;

    首先是音律上的特殊性和二个变音的 游移性.这不能实现!那就改变音律;

  • You are expected to answer the call with immediate actions and not with vacillation .

    希望大家闻风而动,不要 举棋不定

  • Exploration in Vacillation and Hesitation : The Difficulties and Challenges for UN Peacekeeping Operations


  • Your creative potential exists with a high probability of being sabotaged by fear vacillation and self-doubt .

    你的存在很高的可能性创造潜能被恐惧、 犹豫、自我怀疑所妨害。

  • The emperor had Been in a state of pitiaBle vacillation

    皇帝曾处于令人可怜的 举棋不定状态

  • However participates in me from tests after in period of time my realistic condition let my determination receive the very big vacillation !

    然而,就在我参加自考后的一段时间里,我的现实状况让我的决心受到了很大的 动摇

  • The academic circle generally thought that the belief crisis is the defeat which the belief maintains . On the one hand it already has suspicion vacillation and even abandonment to the belief system .

    学术界普遍认为信仰危机是信仰保持的失败,一方面是对既有信仰体系的怀疑、 动摇乃至抛弃,另一方面是新信仰体系 尚未 确立

  • We have already dealt with the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie the rich peasants and small landlords and the possibility that they may actually participate in the anti-Japanese struggle .

    民族资产阶级、乡村富农和小地主们的 动摇 以至参加抗日斗争的可能性, 前面已经说过了。

  • Vacillation is the cause of his failure .


  • Once again my efforts to organize an effective war economy had been ruined by Hitler 's vacillation .

    我想做有战斗 的战时经济的努力,又因希特勒的 犹豫不决告吹

  • Relating to causing or produced by disruption . Such splits have revealed themselves in the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie and the emergence of such anti-Japanese figures as Feng Yu-hsiang Tsai Ting-kai and Ma Chan-shan who have become popular for a time .

    破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的这种破裂,表现于民族资产阶级的 动摇,表现于冯玉祥、蔡廷锴、 马占山等风头一时的抗日人物。

  • Bifurcation properties of a stratospheric vacillation model

    冬季 平流层 波动模型的分岔特性

  • They will draw lessons from their vacillation .

    动摇 一下,他们得到了经验。

  • It is even more important to arouse people 's national integrity oppose vacillation and treason heighten their courage to fight the enemy and foster their confidence in victory .

    更要激励民族气节,反对 动摇 变节,提高对敌斗争的勇气,树立必胜信念。

  • Adhering to the Party 's Basic Line at the primary stage for one hundred years without any vacillation .

    (二)坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线一百年不 动摇