vacancy defect

[ˈvekənsi ˈdiˌfɛkt][ˈveɪkənsi: diˈfekt]


  • The non-linear relationship between proton conductivity and Y3 + content of sample is closely related with the oxygen vacancy the defect association and the solid solubility of Y.


  • The transformed phase amount on the anode side surface is much higher than that on the cathode side and this proves that the tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation is directly related to the oxygen vacancy or defect clusters migration process .

    另外,近阳极面的相变量明显高于近阴极面的相变量,这说明该相变过程与氧 空位缺陷簇的迁移过程密切相关。

  • The results show that after the intersection of dislocations located on different slip planes one-third vacancy or one-third interstitial can be generated which is the smallest point defect in the crystal instead of unit vacancy or interstitial .

    结果表明,当处在不同滑移面上的两个位错相交后,有可能产生1/3 空位或1/3间隙原子,它们是晶体中的最小点 缺陷,可作为相交位错的节点而单独存在。

  • The Commission may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the membership and its proceedings shall not be invalidated by reason of a defect in the election or qualification of a member .

    即使管理委员会出现成员 空缺,管理委员会仍可行事,而其议事程序亦不因成员的选举或资格有 欠妥 之处而作废。

  • The vacancy defect clusters in polycrystalline pure aluminum induced by high-current pulsed electron beam

    强流脉冲电子束辐照诱发多晶纯铝中的 空位 缺陷簇结构

  • To explain the results a complex defect ( Ba vacancy + La ion complex ) model was proposed . The experimental results show that this complex defect does not trap positrons .

    为解释转折点以后的变化,引入了复合缺陷(Ba 空位与La杂质离子形成的复合体)模型,并得到复合 缺陷是不能捕获正电子的结果。

  • It is found that the vacancy defect concentration is decreased and the scale of vacancy defect is increased both in the TiO_2-doped sample and in the sample which cools faster .

    实验结果表明,向样品中掺杂TiO2或者快速冷却样品,都能使得样品晶界处Zn 空位团尺寸变大,浓度减小。

  • The results show that all of these zigzag graphene nanoribbons with vacancy defect present the eletronic structures of metal and their eletronic properties have a close relationship with the number of defect Carbon atoms .

    研究发现,含 空位 缺陷的锯齿型石墨烯纳米带都呈现出金属性的电子结构特征,其电学性质与缺失碳原子的多少密切相关。

  • In the actual experiment research and production practice of ferroelectric it is inevitable to form the intrinsic defect such as vacancy . The defect will influence significantly their performance and may be lead to appearing the novelty properties such as magnetism and half-metallic properties .

    在铁电材料的实验研究和生产实践中,不可避免的会形成 空位等本征 缺陷,将会影响其性能,甚至会产生一些有趣的像磁性或半金属一样的新特性。

  • A reasonable explanation for experimental results is given which is based on the Li-site vacancy point defect model .

    我们用 铌酸锂晶体的 缺陷模型对实验结果给出了合理的解释。

  • It is found that positron at the grass - boundary can be trapped by zinc vacancies and vacancy defect .

    结果表明正电子会被锌空位和 空洞 缺陷捕获。

  • Thermal dynamic investigation of oxygen vacancy defect in lithium niobate crystal

    铌酸锂晶体中氧 空位 缺陷的热力学研究

  • With the magnetic induction intensity increases at the same closed state deposition coatings becomes the equiaxed crystal by the columnar crystal structure the vacancy and defect of coatings reduce the degree of crystallization improves the roughness smaller film sheet resistance decreases .

    在同一闭合状态下,随着磁感应强度的增加,沉积镀层由柱状组织变为等轴晶组织,镀层中 空隙 缺陷减少,结晶度变好,粗糙度变小,薄膜方块电阻减小。

  • Vacancy density and vacancy diffusion coefficient in passive films were studied by using Mott-Schottky ( M-S ) relationship and Point Defect Model ( PDM ) .

    应用Mott-Schottky(M-S)关系和点 缺陷模型(PDM)分析了钝化膜中的空位密度和 空位扩散系数。

  • The vacancy defects and inversion defect changed the spinel zinc ferrite from semiconductor properties into metallic properties .

    空位缺陷和锌铁转置 缺陷使铁酸锌由半导体属性变为金属属性。

  • Zn-vacancy Fe-vacancy and O-vacancy decreased the charge of atoms around vacancy defect .

    锌空位、铁空位、氧空位均使 空位周围原子所带的电荷降低。

  • And zinc vacancies are preponderant in the ZnO films fabricated in richer oxygen environment . It is found that positron at the grass - boundary can be trapped by zinc vacancies and vacancy defect .

    PO2>70%时,这些ZnO样品中缺陷以Zn空位(VZn)为主。结果表明正电子会被锌空位和 空洞 缺陷捕获。

  • When there is a vacancy in the SLS defect energy level will form in the E_g .

    当超晶格中存在 空位时,带隙中将形成 缺陷能级。

  • XRD and PL of ZnO film at different temperature were analysed the result shows that the structure and optical propriety is contact closely with the vacancy and defect in the film .

    分析了不同退火温度下ZnO薄膜的XRD及PL谱,结果表明:ZnO结构及光学特性的优劣与薄膜中的 缺陷紧密联系,而温度是改变晶体 缺陷的重要条件。