
[法] 发表人,表达者

  • Therefore the author thinks that both the utterer and interpreter should arm himself or herself with related knowledge of context adaptation theory and learn to observe carefully . Consider all kinds of communicative context of both and achieve the gold of harmony communication .

    因此,话语双方应以语境顺应论武装自己,学会 细心观察,考虑双方的各种交际语境, 这样 最终达到和谐交际的目标。

  • While communicating the normal speed of utterance is about 125-180 words per minute which means that both utterer and receiver demand a retrieval of 2-3 words per second .

    在交际过程中,人们说话的正常语速约每分钟125-180个词,这意味着 听话人和 说话人每秒钟需要提取2-3个词。

  • It points out that the main cause of pragmatic failure is that in the course of communication either the utterer or the interpreter fails to adapt language to communicative context .

    本文从 顺应 理论的角度解释了语用失误的根本原因,即语用失误是在 言语交际过程中,由于交际的任何一 忽视了语言与交际语境 因素的 动态顺应造成的。

  • Second this thesis has analyzed that verbal irony is the result of adaptation to the social and mental worlds of the utterer and the interpreter .

    其次,本论文已经探讨了使用反讽就是为了 顺应 说话者 听话者的社交世界和心理世界。

  • ( ii ) Supplying enough proofs for the understanding of utterance meanings so as to speed up the hearer 's recognition of the utmost intention of the utterer . The utterance meanings include semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning .

    语境 能够对言语交际行为及其 过程 做出解释,为理解和表达话语提供足够的依据,从而加快 听话人辩识说话人的实际意图的速度。

  • As a common language expression discourse markers ( DMs ) serve as a linguistic choice by the utterer to guide and constrain the proper interpretation for the hearer .

    话语标记语是一种 十分常见的话语 现象,是说话 人为引导和制约听话人正确理解 话语而选择的语言标记。