



  • You define the world and a gravity vector for the world using the gravity and world functions .

    使用gravity和world函数定义此世界和此世界的一个重力 矢量

  • This is that vector .

    就是这个 矢量

  • The library gives programmers a common data model covering all raster data formats and through OGR vector data formats .

    该库为编程人员提供了通用的数据模型,包括所有栅格数据格式和 矢量数据格式(通过OGR)。

  • We would like to have the option of initializing an infinite random vector with the values in another vector .

    希望能够用另一个向量中的值对一个无限随机 向量进行初始化。

  • A facial expression recognition method based on wavelet energy feature and Support Vector Machines ( SVM ) is developed .

    首次提出了小波能量特征在 表情识别中的应用。

  • Then if I choose any vector in that tangent plane .

    那么如果我选择了任何位于切平面的 向量

  • A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude .


  • Applications store GIS data using two distinct data structures : raster data and vector data .

    应用程序使用两种不同的数据结构存储GIS数据:栅格数据和 矢量数据。

  • Vector uses two primitive data types & string ( element data ) and Integer ( element count ) .


  • Any two vectors whose vector sum equals a given vector are called the components of that vector .

    假如任意两个 矢量的和等于一个给定的矢量,这两个矢量就称为该给定矢量的分量。

  • So here I have a contour plot of a function and I have a blue vector .

    我这里有一个函数的等值线图,还有一个蓝色的 向量

  • A linear integration of strain rate vector is developed .

    该文开发了一种应变速率 矢量的线性化积分方法。

  • Spu_promote converts a value to a vector but only defines one element .

    spupromote将一个值转换成 向量,不过只定义了一个元素。

  • Study of Vector Quantization Fast Codeword Search Algorithms ;

    提出了一种 矢量量化快速码字搜索算法。

  • In addition to the pursuit of absolute security and give up the copy of the vaccine vector .

    另外,为了追求绝对安全,放弃了复制性疫苗 载体

  • A fast encoding algorithm based on the Mean Square Error ( MSE ) distortion for vector quantization is introduced .

    研究了一种基于均方误差(MSE)测度的 矢量量化快速编码算法。

  • This article focuses on the method in improved vector generators and the data analysis of results .

    重点介绍了改进型 矢量产生器的方法和数据结果分析。

  • Using this method we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism .

    应用此方法,可定性地绘制出行星齿轮传动机构 速度分析图谱。

  • In particular methods for confidence estimation and feature selection with Support Vector Machines will be described .

    特别是支持 向量机的特征选取和信赖度估计方法。

  • This paper studies the navigation and lattice and vector enlarging techniques of ECDIS with VC + + software .

    研究利用VC+软件实现电子海图漫游和点阵放大及 矢量放大的技术。

  • Discrete vector model was used to realize NC machining simulation .

    本文采用离散 矢量模型建立了数控加工仿真系统,并阐述了它的原理。

  • An optimal subset of features is selected as input vector of SVM for training and recognition .

    选择一个最佳特征子集作为输入 向量,对SVM分类器进行训练识别;

  • The vector product is said to be anticommutative .

    可以说 矢积是反交换的。

  • The physical entity which these components represent is not as easily visualised as a vector .

    这些分析量所表示的物理实质,不容易像 矢量那样形象化表现出来。

  • Applications of Cluster Analysis and Support Vector Machines to Stock Research

    聚类分析和支持 向量机在股票研究中的应用

  • An important concept here is that of vectors generalized to vector spaces and studied in linear algebra .

    这是抽象代数领域。这里一个重要的概念是,向量,推广到 向量空间,以及线性代数研究。

  • It 's the dot product between the normal vector of a plane and the vector along the line .

    这是平面法 向量,和沿直线向量的点积。

  • The basic data object in R is a vector .

    在R中,基本的数据对象是 向量

  • We have discussed sum for subspace of vector space and cannot popularize sum of subspace to infinitude .


  • I have specified the data type of models as tns : Vector .

    我已经将models的数据类型指定为 tns:Vector