


  • The head rests on a rounded black synthetic velveteen pillow . The pillow is 33 long 12 around .

    头基于一个被环绕的黑综合性 平绒枕头。枕头是33长期12在附近。

  • Studying on the Wet Permeability Process of Bamboo Fabrics and Research of Structure and Properties of Bamboo Fiber ; Technological design and production of yarn dyed woven velveteen made of bamboo pulp fiber and cotton

    竹浆纤维及其织物的湿传递性能及结构性能研究色织 竹浆纤维/棉绒布工艺设计与生产

  • The Black Velveteen is made with Guinness Irish Stout and Hard Apple Cider .

    这款 鸡尾酒 配方是爱尔兰基尼斯黑啤酒和苹果酒。

  • Under his linen milking-pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket cord breeches and gaiters and a starched white shirt .

    他在麻布围裙里面穿一件深色 天鹅绒夹克衫,配一条灯芯绒裤子,扎着皮绑腿,里面穿一件浆洗过的白衬衫。

  • Research of Magnetic Weft Insertion Technology of Velveteen Loom


  • One Christmas morning a beautiful velveteen rabbit was put in a little boy 's stocking .

    一个圣诞节的早晨,一只美丽的 绒毛兔被放进了一个小男孩的长统袜里。

  • These loops may be left uncut or they can be cut and brushed to give the appearance of velveteen velour or other similar pile - woven fabrics .

    这些线圈可以不必 切除,也可经过切割和刷 形成 平绒、丝绒或其它绒织物的外观。

  • Needle punched fabrics can be made however that resemble loop - pile velour and velveteen structures .

    但是针刺非织造布的表面可以 仿效毛圈绒头、绒织物及 平绒的结构 特点

  • An Approach to the Rotary Screen Printing of Shu Mei Rong Velveteen

    舒美 圆网印花工艺探讨

  • A Study of Velveteen Suede AlKali-Treatment


  • My teeth feel like they 're covered with velveteen .

    我的牙齿就好像覆盖了一层 东西一样。

  • The black synthetic velveteen cuffs are fully adjustable up to a maximum circumference of 15 with a 4.8 diameter .

    黑综合性 平绒袖口是充分地可调整的由一个最大圆周15决定与4.8直径。

  • Needle or Velvet Board : necessary for pressing velvet velveteen and napped and fur fabrics .

    用于绒毛织物或天鹅绒的烫板:是熨烫天鹅绒、 立绒和有绒毛的织物和长毛绒织物时的必备品。

  • Complexity is related to surface irregularities surface texture fuzziness and weave . Needle punched fabrics can be made however that resemble loop - pile velour and velveteen structures .

    至于复杂性与表面的不规则性,表面结构,毛羽程度和织造加工有关。但是针刺非织造布的表面可以 仿效毛圈绒头、绒织物及 平绒的结构 特点

  • One day the little boy could not find the toy dog he always slept with so his mum fetched the velveteen rabbit to sleep with him .

    一天,小男孩找不到一直和他睡在一起的玩具狗,他的妈妈就把 绒毛来和他 一起睡。

  • Technical design and application of velveteen colored woven cloth with wool / bamboo fiber

    色织竹浆纤维/羊毛 织物工艺设计与应用

  • The surfaces of velvet velveteen corduroy synthetic suede fleece camel 's hair and some flannels are smooth in one direction and rough in the opposite direction .

    天鹅绒、 平绒、灯芯绒、仿麂皮、羊毛、骆驼毛以及某些法兰绒的表面,正向平滑,而反向粗糙。

  • In the shop only few of cotton cloth covered with dust there several velveteen blankets of course there was salt .

    商店里只有几匹蒙着灰尘的棉布,几 棉绒毯子,当然还有盐。

  • He just slept all day with the velveteen rabbit instead .

    他就整天和 绒毛兔一起睡觉。

  • I used to sit there in the late afternoon in a red velveteen chair and read the papers of the Presidency in the glow of an old lamp .

    到傍晚,我常坐在那儿的一把 着红 棉绒的椅子里,就着一盏旧灯的光线读总统办公室的各种文件。

  • Changes in surface appearance are often more of a problem than is fabric rupture in pile fabrics such as corduroy velvet or velveteen .

    某些织物说,例如起绒织物包括灯芯绒、 平绒 平绒等,外观的改变比起织物的 破损 还要 重要

  • The effect of number of short-days on development and flowering of ' Millennium ' and ' Velveteen ' poinsettia was studied by transferring plants from short-day to natural long days .

    短日照处理不同天数后转到自然长日照下,研究短日照处理对促成栽培的‘千禧’和‘早生 天鹅绒’一品红生长开花的影响。

  • A Electronic Let-off Control System of Velveteen Loom Based on AVR Microcontroller

    基于AVR单片机的 平绒织机电子送经控制系统

  • As there is no supply of Printed Velveteen we regret being unable to make you an offer at present .

    因印花 平绒无供,我们现在抱歉难以向您报盘。