vector descriptor

[ˈvɛktɚ dɪˈskrɪptɚ][ˈvektə disˈkriptə]

[计] 向量描述符

  • Based on the investigation the vector descriptor is fit to characterize the structure of dipeptides and predict their biological activity and has the merit good correction and simple calculation .

    结果表明:该 矢量 描述子可用于二肽结构表征与生物功能预测,且计算简便。

  • In vector-based descriptor for 3D point cloud model points in point cloud are precisely denoted by a set of vectors some statistics of the vector set are computed as the descriptor for 3D point cloud model .

    基于向量表示的三维点云模型 描述子利用向量集对三维点云中各点进行精确表示,通过计算此 向量集的统计量来表示三维点云模型的表面形状。

  • Each entry corresponds to an interrupt or an exception vector and consists of an8-byte descriptor .

    每个条目对应一个中断或异常 向量,并且有8byte的 描述符组成。

  • We discuss three important aspects : preprocessing of gait image feature extraction and classification . We emphasis on silhouette segmentation algorithm and silhouette description using Tangent Vector Descriptor .

    本文论述了构成步态识别系统的步态图像预处理、特征提取、训练识别三个方面内容,重点讨论了图像预处理轮廓分割算法和以切 向量 描述的轮廓特征提取技术。