


v.变化( vary的过去式和过去分词)

  • This gives us a vast and varied experience to assess .

    这为我们提供了广泛和 多种的经验以进行评估。

  • Moreover the quality and consistency of products varied from one artisan to the next .

    而且,质量和产品的一致性从一位工匠 变化到下一个了。

  • This is a fabulous album . It 's fresh varied fun

    这张专辑真棒,新颖、有趣 富于 变化

  • The ways in which solicitors practise are varied

    事务律师的从业方式是 多种 多样的。

  • Soul food is a varied cuisine : it includes spicy gumbos black-eyed peas and collard greens .

    黑人的食物可谓 五花八门:有辣味的秋葵汤,有豇豆,还有羽衣甘蓝叶。

  • What I try to do in putting these pictures up here is to show how varied children are in solving the problem

    我把这些图片挂在这儿的目的是想展示一下孩子们解决这个问题的方法是多么 千差万别

  • His opponent couldn 't stand up to his varied and fast-changing tactics .

    他球路 多变,令对手防不胜防。

  • Performances varied from excellent to acceptable .

    演出从出类拔萃到差强人意 不等

  • China has a varied topography .

    中国地形 复杂

  • The forms of art are many and varied .

    艺术的形式是多种 多样的。

  • The reasons for letting a house or part of one are varied .

    把整套房子或其中一部分租出去,其原因是 多种 多样的。

  • Before his election to the presidency Mitterrand had enjoyed a long and varied career .

    在当选总统之前,密特朗有过一段漫长的职业生涯,干过很多 不同的工作。

  • The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality .

    观众反应不一, 人完全不能接受,也有人击掌 叫好

  • The impact of different degrees of degradation on activities of urease and peroxidase varied .

    不同退化程度对脲酶和过氧化物酶活性的影响没有 明显 规律性。

  • It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced

    关键是你的饮食要 多样化,并保持均衡。

  • These accesses and intervals of thunder and explosion continued with varied force .

    雷电轰鸣,时辍时作,时强时弱, 绵延不断

  • Protocols and interfaces for SANs are wide and varied .

    SAN的协议和界面是广泛和 多样的。

  • His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank

    他的表情在一本正经和茫然 惶惑之间变幻不定。

  • Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana .

    很多商人认为,一个相对价格从不 变化的地方会是极乐世界。

  • Harbour staff noticed that measurements given for the same class of boats often varied .

    港口工作人员注意到,对同一类船舶的测量方法 常常 一样

  • Students ' expectations were as varied as their expertise

    学生们的期望根据他们的专业 不同

  • The pianist gave a long and varied recital with a couple of encores for good measure .

    那钢琴家的独奏演出时间长、节目 ,还加奏了两支曲子。

  • It 's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied .

    科尔·波特写了这么多风格 迥异的优美歌曲,要对他进行概括并不是件容易的事。

  • A rich and varied cultural life is essential for this couple .

    丰富 多样的文化生活对这对夫妇而言至关重要。

  • He longed to live a varied life .

    他渴望过一种 变化的生活。

  • As we have seen in previous chapters visualization methods are varied .

    我们在前几章已经了解到,可视化方法是 多种 多样的。

  • Tropical rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world .

    热带雨林集聚了世界上 种类繁多的植物。

  • Varied though the anthology may claim to be it does not cover the whole gamut of Scottish poetry

    该诗集虽然可能号称收录 广泛,但并未涵盖所有苏格兰诗歌。

  • Axes have many important functions and varied themes .

    轴线由很多重要的功能和 多样的主题。