



  • Apply lipstick over a thin layer of Vaseline for a glossy look ; pat on with a fingertip for a stain ;

    可事先在唇上涂一层薄薄的 凡士林然后再涂口红 就会获得亮闪闪的效果,再用一个指尖轻拍着色;

  • Method : 120 cases of patients undergoing oxygen inhalation and Vaseline group randomly divided into normal saline group observation in patients with nasal moist and has no nasal bleeding .

    方法:将120例吸氧病人随机分为生理盐水组和 凡士林组观察患者鼻腔湿润及有无鼻腔出血。

  • He told me he was gay thought you were cute and asked if we kept any Vaseline in the bathroom . I told him where to find it .

    他告诉我他是同性恋,而且他觉得你很可爱,还问我家里有没有 凡士林

  • For dry cuticles use either Vaseline or A & D ointment .

    皮肤干燥?用 凡士林或A&D药膏。

  • Main components : medicinal Vaseline natural moisturizers essential oils penetrants vitamin E etc.

    主要成分:药用 凡士林、天然保湿剂、香薰精油、渗透剂、维E等。

  • Tell them to bring the vaseline and the straight razors .

    告诉他们带着 凡士林和剃刀。

  • Study for the sterilization effect of vaseline gauze by different damp-heat sterilization method

    不同湿热灭菌方法对 凡士林 纱条灭菌效果的影响

  • No thank you . I 'd like some Vaseline .

    不用,谢谢。我要一些 凡士林

  • The chemistry plant produces such chemicals as gasoline kerosene vaseline and paraffin .

    这家化学工厂生产象汽油、煤油、 凡士林和石蜡等那样的化工产品。

  • The best moisturiser is a basic greasy one without extra ingredients or fragrances such as Vaseline .

    最好的是那些不含其他成分或气味的碱性脂质,例如 凡士林

  • New way of preparing Vaseline gauze and its clinical applying effect analysis

    新法配制 凡士林 纱及临床使用效果分析

  • This includes gasoline propane paint thinners mineral oils paraffin wax baby oil Vaseline ? and even Chap-Stick ? just to name a few .

    它包括汽油、丙烷、漆面稀释剂、矿物油、石蜡、 凡士林和无色唇膏。

  • Smear Vaseline on to your baby 's skin to prevent soreness .

    给孩子皮肤上抹 凡士林以防止肿痛。

  • It is also in a nice sized small container so it 's easy to carry around rather than using vaseline or something .

    在一个小铁盒里,所以很便于携带,比 凡士林什么的方便多了。

  • Vaseline lanolin bag balm or other grease can be used to prevent chafe marks .


  • Studies have shown that putting Vaseline or any other ointment in the eyes will actually concentrate any shampoo inadvertently spilled into the eye and worsen the problem .

    有研究认为在眼睛上抹上 凡士林或其他任何软膏都会把香波吸收到眼睛里,从而是问题更糟糕。

  • Coat sealing ring with vaseline .


  • Don NOT use saliva creams oil Vaseline soap or shower gel as lube .

    不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、 凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。

  • If possible screw in the junction box and head of the Department points Vaseline coated to prevent rust .

    如果可能的话,在接线盒的螺丝和线头处涂上点 凡士林,以防 再生锈。

  • Oils greases fats creams and vaseline damage the condom .

    油剂、油脂、脂肪、乳酪和 凡士林都会损坏安全套。

  • Objective To solve the problem with the sterilization and storage of Vaseline gauze .

    目的解决 凡士林纱布灭菌 、保管 的问题。

  • His second is applying Vaseline t0 his cuts .

    他的助手正在给他往伤口上 凡士林

  • Vaseline is great in theory but again is oil based and a real pain to clean up .


  • A lot of ranges can be used by men and women interchangeably like Nivea or vaseline intensive care .

    许多系列可以男女互用,比如妮维雅或 凡士林深层呵护系列。

  • Coat the new sealing rings of the check valve with vaseline and fit them .

    凡士林 涂抹单向阀的新密封圈并安装它们。

  • Bull ; Vaseline is a very efficient lubricator .


  • Comparison of wound healing in donor site between hydrocolloid dressings and vaseline gauze : a clinical study

    水胶体敷料与 凡士林 纱对皮片供皮区创面愈合的比较

  • Vegetables with crisp and cracking texture emerge as mush slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline .

    质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在 凡士林中炖过的发网一样粘糊糊,滑溜溜,筋拉拉的。

  • Don 't worry . I 've got vaseline and everything else we need .

    别担心,我有 凡士林和其他东西。