vapor recovery

[ˈvepɚ rɪˈkʌvəri][ˈveipə riˈkʌvəri]


  • The adsorption technology is the matured technologies in gasoline vapor recovery and activated carbon is its main adsorbent with bad mechanical strength bad regeneration short using life and other shortcomings .

    吸附法油 回收技术目前是国外比较成熟的技术之一,主要利用活性炭作为吸附剂,但活性炭存在机械强度低、脱附效果差、使用寿命短等缺点。

  • In practical application most gasoline vapor recovery units need to be imported due to technical reasons . To a certain extent this limits the application in the country .

    在实际应用中,由于技术原因,大部分油 回收装置都需要从国外进口,从而在一定程度上限制了在国内的推广应用。

  • This paper introduces the vapor recovery equipment theory of the vacuum pump and problems of its installation and debugging in general .

    简要介绍了 济南 公司 回收装置、真空泵的工作原理以及安装与调试应注意的问题。

  • Study on Petroleum Vapor Evaporation and Discharge and Development of Vapor Recovery Technique

    油气 蒸发排放及其 控制技术的研究

  • Analysis of Oil Vapor Recovery Unit Operation in Gasoline Railway Loading Platform

    汽油火车装车台油 回收装置运行分析

  • Development of Oil Product Evaporation Loss and Gasoline Vapor Recovery Testing System

    油品损耗与油 回收测试系统的研制开发

  • Study and Optimal Operation of Gasoline Vapor Recovery Unit by Condensation

    冷凝法油 回收装置的研究及优化运行

  • Process features of DIESEL-ABSORPTION oil vapor recovery unit and Application

    柴油吸收法油 回收装置的工艺特点及应用

  • Malfunction judgment of control modes and maintenance of auto gasoline vapor recovery system

    汽车汽油 蒸汽 回收系统的控制方式及维修时的故障判定

  • Gasoline vapour recovery methods mainly include absorption adsorption condensation and membrane separation and adsorption is an effective gasoline vapor recovery technology .

    汽油蒸气的回收方法主要包括吸收法、吸附法、冷凝法、膜分离法,其中吸附法是一种有效的油 回收技术。

  • The test results showed that the average vapor recovery rate reached 95.13 % which was slightly higher than the design value of 95 % .

    结果表明,该油 回收系统平均 回收率可达95.13%,每年可回收汽油529t;

  • Technology on oil vapor recovery

    陕北石油秩序油 回收技术的研究

  • Development and Application of Gasoline Vapor Recovery Equipment by Absorption at NTP

    常温常压吸收法油 回收装置的开发与应用

  • Evaporation loss of oil and oil vapor recovery technology

    油品蒸发损耗及油 回收技术

  • Development and Application of Vapor Recovery Equipment with Adsorption Method

    吸附法 回收装置的研发与应用

  • Study on the adsorption properties of a new adsorbent hby-1 for oil vapor recovery

    新型油 回收吸附剂HBY-1的吸附性能研究

  • Gasoline Vapor Recovery Based on Integrated Technology of Absorption-Adsorption

    基于吸收和吸附的油 回收集成工艺

  • The Application of Oil Vapor Recovery System and Its Detection Technology


  • Research on Integrated Process of Fixed Roof Tanks with Vapor Recovery System

    固定顶油罐与 回收集成工艺研究

  • Engineering supply and EPC Service of Vapor recovery unit ;


  • Gasoline vapor recovery unit by condensation has many advantages such as high skid-mounted convenient variable displacement control and low energy consumption .

    冷凝法油 回收装置具有橇装化程度高、变排量控制方便、能耗相对较低等优点,其在 回收领域的应用前景具有比较大的潜力。

  • Study of Activated Carbon in Gasoline Vapor Recovery Equipment Desorbing Gasoline Vapor

    蒸气 回收装置中活性炭脱附性能研究

  • Four technologies such as adsorption absorption condensation and membrane selective osmosis commonly used for oil vapor recovery were introduced .

    介绍了常见的4种油 回收技术:吸附法、吸收法、冷凝法和膜分离法。

  • The separation mechanism of condensation unit for oil vapor recovery were introduced and the application technology of condensation unit for oil vapor recovery were described .

    介绍了冷凝法油 回收装置的工艺原理,并对冷凝法油气回收装置的应用进行了说明。

  • Gasoline vapor recovery during tank car loading

    汽油装车 回收

  • The SD Tank Vapor Recovery Unit with Very Low Pressure Control

    SD油罐 微压自控 回收装置的研制

  • The research of gasoline vapor recovery units is early abroad and application of gasoline vapor recovery unit is commen .

    国外油 回收装置的研究起步比较早,而且石化行业使用专用的油气回收装置比较普遍。

  • Application Investigation of Petroleum Vapor Recovery Technology


  • The assessment model of economic performance of oil vapor recovery based on grey relation projection method of multi-criteria decision was established by using fuzzy mathematics in the gray system theory and multi-objective decision-making ideas in engineering optimization .

    并且采用模糊数学中的灰色系统理论和工程优化中的多目标决策思想,建立了基于多目标决策的灰色关联投影法油 回收绩效评价模型。