
[ˌvɛriɪˈɡeʃən, ˌvɛrɪˈɡe-, ˌvær-][ˌveərɪ'geɪʃən]


  • Elimination of Citrus infectious variegation virus ( cvv ) by Shoot-tip Grafting in vitro

    柑桔传染性 杂色花叶病(CVV)的茎尖嫁接脱毒

  • For the first time we make use of thermoluminescence technique to demarcate variegation boulder bed which is the district corresponding period sediment guiding bed the top appear multilayer ash tuff which have similar thermoluminescence parameter ;

    首次利用热释光技术标定了 杂色 砾岩层为区域同期沉积的标志层,其上部出现的多层凝灰岩具有相似的热释光参数;

  • Anatomy observation on the leave variegation of Pelargonium zonale Variation Analysis on Anatomical Properties and Chemical Compositions between Chinese White Poplar and Burl

    马蹄纹天竺葵叶斑变异的解剖学观察毛白杨与 瘿瘤解剖特性和化学组成变异分析

  • The Study on Variegation and Chimerism in Ornamental Plants

    观赏植物 现象研究 现状

  • Many Hollies have delightful vellow-and-white variegation .

    许多冬青树长有好看的黄白相间的 杂色

  • Variegation and chimerism generally lie in ornamental plants but there remains considerable confusion in the meaning of these terms and the controlling mechanism .

    现象在 观赏植物中普遍存在,但它们的含义和控制机理仍存在相当大的混淆。

  • Variegation and Its Mechanism in Arabidopsis Leaves Induced by Mutation of Nuclear Genes

    核基因突变引起的拟南芥菜叶片 花斑及其机制

  • In recent years owing to our excessively exploiting eco-resources of marine and continuously exacerbating the pollution of enviroment our water ecosystem of marine are damaged seriously . The ecosystem of some areas are unbalanced while the variegation of organism are reducing sharply .

    近年来,由于我国海洋生态资源的过度开发,环境污染不断加剧,使我国海洋水生生态系统受损严重,局部海域生态失衡,生物多样性 锐减

  • The different irrigation and pruning measures have great effects on the nectarine dehiscent fruit and the main reason of dehiscent is the growth unbalance caused by great variegation of the water .

    不同灌溉方式与不同修剪措施等对不同品种裂果率的影响不同,水分的剧烈 变化造成生长的不均衡是导致 裂果的主要原因。

  • Note the variegation of the neoplasm with areas of red tan white and brown .

    注意肿瘤 颜色 混杂,存在红色、褐色、白色以及棕色。

  • In order to indulge with its light inwardness and variegation one maybe neglect times even all over the world !

    为了迷恋它的光 灵性、斑驳、忽略时间、忽略一切!

  • The production tests showed that the rigidity luster and variegation degree of flower cores can be improved using the compound glue .

    生产 实验表明,在花芯 中加入本研究 的合成胶粉,产品硬度大, 光泽度好, 着色容易。

  • Four varieties of citrus infected with Citrus Infectious Variegation Virus ( CVV ) were freed from the virus by shoot-tip grafting in vitro .

    通过茎尖嫁接,使4个被传染性 杂色花叶病(CVV)侵染的柑桔品种脱毒。