


  • In order to simplify the layered soil by this model this article provides a variably damped least square method to identify the parameters by using the actual acceleration records .

    为了将这一模型应用于此类土层,本文根据实际地震动记录,提出了一种 阻尼最小二乘 分析方法,可用来识别模型中的各个参数值。

  • Tumor cells had variably melanin granules in 3 cases under electronmicroscope .

    3例电镜下显示了肿瘤细胞内数量 不等的黑色素小体。

  • Design of Time Domain Reflectometry for Application of Soil Moisture and Bulk Electrical Conductivity Measurements Numerical simulation of infiltrating water in variably saturated zone

    测试土壤含水率和电导率的时域反射仪系统 饱和-饱和土壤中水分入渗的数值仿真模拟

  • The temperature changes will change the microstructure of material variably which determine the weld quality and performance .

    温度的变化会引起材料 金相组织 发生 不同 变化,从而决定焊接质量和使用性能。

  • Numerical simulation of infiltrating water in variably saturated zone Determination of Hydraulic Parameters of Stony-soil Media through Horizontal Infiltration


  • Testis RNA from irradiated and control mice was extracted the imprinted genes expressing variably were screened with mouse oligo gene expression chip supplied by Shanghai Biochip Center and the interested genes were verified by semiquantitative RT-PCR .

    提取实验组和对照组睾丸RNA,采用上海生物芯片中心小鼠寡核苷酸基因表达谱芯片筛选表达 发生 改变的印记基因,对感兴趣的基因经半定量RTPCR验证。

  • An analysis on the dual-permeability numerical models and parameters of variably saturated fractured porous media


  • They partitioned the inside into offices . Results In 350 cases of VSD 76 % ( 266 caes ) were perimembranous types . These defects were variably related to the membranous portion of interventricular septum ;

    他们把屋子内部分隔成一间间办公室。结果350例室间隔缺损中,76%(266例)为膜周型,缺损均与室间隔膜部 关连

  • The software package includes computational finite element models for simulating the two-and three-dimensional movement of water heat and multiple solutes in variably saturated media .

    体包括有限元计算模型模拟水,热二维和三维运动,多种媒体在 饱和溶质。

  • They could variably enhance the level of ADA in serum of UC mice lytic enzyme and ADA in spleen simultaneously .

    同时,对UC模型小鼠血清中ADA、溶菌酶以及脾脏中ADA含量 均有 不同 程度 提高。

  • It is completely considered the influence of variably physical property upon heat transfer of pipeline in the algorithms .

    在算法中全面考虑了 埋设 介质 热物性对管道传热的影响。

  • Their characteristics indicate that the volcanic rocks could be generated from the variably enriched mantle source .

    同位素特征还表明,该区火山岩物质来源于 经过 一定富集作用的 地幔地幔源区 发生 部分 熔融

  • The stiffness and damping of traditional passive suspension can not be adjusted o it difficult to keep optimal performance while the working conditions is variably .

    传统的被动悬架其阻尼和刚度在 车辆行驶过程中无法进行调节,因此难以使车辆在 变化的路面上始终保持最优的性能。

  • Study on Variably Tuned Silencers for Water Pipeline System

    水管路系统可调频 消声器研究

  • Variably accelerated motion ( namely a motion with speed and acceleration all changing ) is the most prevalent motion in the universe .


  • The results indicate that the presented method is relatively general and can be employed to model the main features of variably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media .

    结果表明,所述方法具有一般性,可以有效地模拟裂隙多孔介质中 饱和渗流的基本特征。

  • In this paper five schemes of variably tuned Helmholtz resonator were proposed and simulated detailedly the results shows that changing the neck area affects the resonant frequency significantly .

    文中提出了可调频式亥姆霍兹共振式 消声器的五种结构设计方案,并 逐一进行了仿真计算分析,结果表明:共振器颈部 面积的改变对共振频率的影响较大。

  • Effects of Interactions Between Surface Charges and Ions on Conductance of Variably Charged Soil

    土壤表面电荷与离子间的相互作用对 可变电荷体系电导的影响

  • In this part it first analyses and draws a conclusion on several change ways in tradition calligraphy such as applying directly applying variably inherit multi-media means which combines lots of excellent works .

    在这一部分中,首先结合许多优秀的作品进行分析总结了传统书法元素的几种转化方式&直接运用、 抽象 表达精神性继承、多媒体技术 后期制作。

  • The climate is temperate and Mediterranean with hot dry summers and cool variably rainy winters .

    其气候为温和的地中海气候,夏季炎热、干燥,冬季寒冷、 多雨

  • Its also main the different background variably to the leisure motivation with sex the age marriage condition their antecedent career and resident location .

    主要的休闲动机为 放松 心情亲近 大自然,且不同的背景 项对休闲动机在性别、 龄、婚姻、学歷、职业及居住地存在显著差異。

  • A multicystic dysplastic kidney ( also known as cystic renal dysplasia ) has been sectioned to reveal the variably sized cysts that replace the renal parenchyma .

    多囊性发育不良肾也称为多囊肾发育不良,切开发现,大小 不等的囊肿取代了肾实质。

  • Global Exponential Stability in Variably Delayed Hopfield Neural Network Models


  • Of these clustering algorithms separated the expressed genes into stably expressed genes and variably expressed genes .

    聚类分析将这些表达的基因分为了两大类:即稳定表达基因和 可变表达基因。

  • A generalized equivalent-continuum method for modeling variably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media

    模拟裂隙多孔介质中 饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法

  • It will be variably cloudy .

    天气会阴 沉沉 而且 多变

  • We deem that the depositional sequences though often influenced variably by local tectonics and other factors are primarily global and periodic in nature .

    沉积层序虽 不同 程度 受区域性构造运动和其他因素的影响,但具有明显的全球性和周期性。

  • Others such as variably polarized phase shifter and full polarizer can be applied in several new radar systems .

    其他一些像 可变极化移相器、全极化器将在一些新型雷达系统中有重要应用。