


  • The variability and flexibility of metal construction systems are already providing adequate answers to the challenges of the future .

    金属建筑系统的灵活性和 可变性已经提供了足够回答未来的挑战。

  • The polygenic and multiple allelic nature of many traits gives a vast potential for variability among hereditary characteristics .

    许多特征的多基因本质和复等位本质,使遗传特点中的 变异 具有巨大的潜力。

  • We 've underestimated natural variability he says .

    他说,我们低估了自然的 变异

  • Through similar and supplementary action polygenes can have important effects on total variability .

    通过相同的和添加的作用,多基因可以对总的 变异起重大的影响。

  • We can calculate our measures of variability equally well for individual securities and portfolios of securities .

    我们能够同样好的对个别证券和证券组合计算 变异 的衡量标准。

  • Glucose variability and mortality in patients with sepsis .

    脓毒症患者血糖的 变异 和致命性。

  • Requirements activities must be augmented with commonality and variability analysis .

    必须用共性和 可变性分析对需求活动进行扩充。

  • As you can imagine this can lead to considerable complexity and variability in the iterative development method .

    可以想象得到,这会使迭代开发方法具有相当大的复杂度和不 稳定性

  • Atmospheric data are required to understand better the dynamics of the climate system and its natural variability .

    为了更好地了解气候系统的动力学及其自然 变化,需要有大气资料。

  • The three different variability patterns supported by RMC are contribution extension and replacement .

    由RMC所提供的三个不同的 可变性模式是:贡献、扩展和置换。

  • Terracing not only increased average yields but also significantly lowered their variability .

    梯田建设不仅增加了粮食平均产量,也大大提高了产量的 稳定性

  • What is the impact of lead time and lead time variability on inventory levels ?

    前置时间与前置时间 变异 对于存货水准的影响为何?

  • It is difficult to make decision for manufacture because of Mass Customization with the characteristic of variability and multiformity .

    大规模定制具有的多样性和 可变性特点增加了生产过程决策的复杂性。

  • Sampling variability explains only a portion of the overall uncertainty in a modelled estimate .

    抽样 变异 仅仅解释了模型估测中整个不确定性的一部分。

  • Variability can be observed I the behaviour and outcome of many activities even under conditions of apparent stability .

    在许多活动的状态和结果中,甚至是在明显的稳定条件下,均可观察到 变异

  • Now you can see the variability in the stock .

    现在可以看到股价的 变动了。

  • You could have variability with complete predictability .

    你可以 选择完全的可预见性。

  • Increased precipitation intensity and variability is projected to increase the risks of flooding and drought in many areas .

    许多地方降水强度和 的增加将使洪旱危险性上升;

  • You can model requirements variability by introducing variation points in your UML activity diagrams .

    通过在UML活动关系图中引入可变点,您可以对需求 可变性建模。

  • This energy uncertainty in turn appears as a variability in the apparent mass of the particle .

    这种能量的不确定范围,又表现为粒子表观质量的 可变性

  • Operations and parameters variability & You can parameterize operations and parameters at the interface definition level .

    操作和参数 可变性&您可以在接口定义级别参数化操作和参数。

  • RMC process variability allows you to dynamically nest capability patterns in other capability patterns and delivery processes .

    RMC过程的 可变性允许您在一个性能模式和交付过程中构建另一个性能模式。

  • Data complexity and variability that has an impact on integration and testing efforts .

    数据复杂度和 可变性影响集成和测试效果。

  • Conclusion The spectral analysis of heart rate variability is a sensitive method in the diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy .

    结论心率 变异 频谱分析是一种敏感的诊断糖尿病自主神经病变的方法。

  • The third section introduces a couple of RMC mechanisms variability and configuration enabling content reuse and merge .

    第三部分介绍了一组RMC机制 可变性和配置启用内容复用和合并。

  • This species shows great variability in stem branching leaf shape leaf margin and peduncle length .

    本种在茎的分枝,叶形,叶缘,和花序梗长度方面显示了巨大 变化

  • We can provide more than enough genetic information to account for the variability in nature .

    可提供的遗传信息对于解释自然界中的 变异 来说已经绰绰有余。

  • You now have a set of metadata defining the points of variability in the business process .

    您现在拥有了一组定义业务流程中的 可变点的元数据。

  • The association between mood and glucose variability seemed to be less important than that between glucose level and mood .

    血糖 波动和情绪之间的联系似乎不比血糖水平和情绪之间的联系重要。

  • Heart rate variability ( HRV ) Nonstationarity Wavelet transform Dynamic analysis ;

    心率 变异性;非平稳性;小波变换;动态分析;