


  • The pathological changes of tunica media were reversible without vasomotion and play a stent role only .

    中膜层病理学改变是可逆性的,但 失去 血管 功能,仅 生物支架作用。

  • The Effect of the Vasomotion on the Mass Transfer in Microcirculation

    血管 自律 运动对微循环物质交换的影响

  • Effects of potassium on the hypoxic pulmonary and cerebral vasomotion

    钾对 缺氧性脑、肺 血管 反应的影响

  • Objective : To predict the sub-clinical changes of vasomotion in women in pregnancy at different altitudes .

    目的:预测高原地区妊娠妇女 血管 的亚临床变化, 及早 发现妊高征患者, 降低 发病

  • Conclusion There was plenty of neuropeptide release of vasomotion after trigeminal stimulation . Administration of nimotop might antagonize the change and raised the plasma level of β EP .

    结论三叉神经受刺激后, 引起 血管 的神经肽大量释放,尼莫通可部分地抑制这种释放,并可 导致 镇痛 物质β-EP的升高。

  • Observation of vasomotion by bio - speckles

    采用激光生物散斑方法对 微循环 自律 运动的观测

  • Arteriolar vasomotion can periodically result in lymph formation and interstitial total pressure plays an important role in this procedure ;

    微动脉 自律 运动能导致周期性的淋巴形成,间质总应力在这一过程中起着重要作用;

  • Acute treatment of low dosage Ligustrazine Hydrochloride could inhibit the vasomotion in the carotid artery ligature model in both vitro and vivo experiments . 5 .

    小剂量的盐酸川芎嗪 时间的体内和体外治疗均可以抑制颈动脉结扎大鼠 诱导 大脑中动脉 血管 活动

  • The results suggested that WSS influences arterial remodeling by regulating its vasomotion and not changing WT / LD .

    说明WSS对动脉适应性重建的影响,是通过调节动脉的 所致,而非壁腔比的改变。

  • Bronchial Epithelium-Derived Relaxing Factor Modulates Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasomotion During Hypoxia and Cigarette Smoking

    支气管上皮源性因子在吸烟及缺氧 所致血管 反应中的作用

  • Vasomotion in Resistance Vessel from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat and Its Response to Antihypertensive Agents

    自发性高血压大鼠阻力血管 节律 特征及其对降压药的反应

  • In addition vasomotion was restored at the stented site and adjacent coronary artery at2 years .

    另外,在2年时,恢复了支架处和邻近冠状动脉的 血管 运动

  • Development of a Dynamic Microvascular Edge Detection Method Applied for Auto Tracking Measurement of Spontaneous Vasomotion

    用自适应血管边缘检测方法自动跟踪测量 血管 自律 运动

  • Conclusion The phenomena of bio speckles can be used as a new method in the research on vasomotion .

    结论生物散斑现象可作为研究 血管 自律 运动的新方法。

  • The main functions of ion channels are : improving cell calcium concentration triggering the physiological effect determining the cell excitability refractoriness and conductivity adjusting vascular of smooth muscle vasomotion activities participating in synaptic transmission maintaining the normal cell volume .

    离子通道的主要功能是:提高细胞内钙浓度,触发生理效应;决定细胞的兴奋性、不应性和传导性;调节血管平滑肌的 活动;参与突触传递;维持细胞的正常体积。

  • Objective : The aim of this study was to observe the role of NO in the action of tetramethylpyrazine ( TMP ) on arterioles vasomotion induced by noradrenaline ( NA ) in order to make further understand of vasodilation mechanism of TMP .

    目的:用 活体家兔 肠系膜 血管观察NO在川芎嗪( TMP)抑制微血管 运动中的作用,旨在明确TMP活血化瘀的机理与NO的关系。

  • Fluid Mechanics of Microvascular Vasomotion and the Effects of Blood Viscoelasticity

    微血管 自律 运动的流体力学及血液粘弹性质的影响

  • Objective To study the effect of volatile oil of Acorus ( VTA ) and β - Asarone (β - A ) on vasomotion and anti-platelet aggregation in rat model with hyperlipidemia .

    目的研究石菖蒲挥发油、β-细辛醚对高脂血症模型动物 血管 与抗血小板聚集的作用。

  • Effect of Cigarette Smoke Extract on Porcine Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasomotion in Vitro

    香烟烟雾提取物对离体 猪肺 血管缺氧 反应的影响

  • Effects of Propranolol and Phentolamine on Arteriolar Vasomotion in Rabbit Mesentery Caused by Topical Application of Noradrenalin

    普萘洛尔、酚妥 拉明对由去甲肾上腺素 诱导的家兔肠系膜 血管 运动的影响