vane wheel

[ven hwil][veɪn hwi:l]


  • In order to check the practical result of the theoretical design method a comparative test on propeller alone and propeller / vane wheel combined device designed for a 2000 t comprehensive energy saving ship has been carried out in SSSRI cavitation tunnel .

    为了检验给出理论公式的实际设计效果,对一条2000t的综合节能船作了螺旋桨/ 导轮组合推进装置的设计,在空泡水筒内进行了单独螺旋桨和螺旋桨加导轮组合装置的对比模型试验。

  • A Study of the Velocity Field Between a Gas Turbine Runner and Guide Vane Wheel with the Use

    PIV测量法研究燃气轮机叶轮与导 叶轮间流体的速度场

  • Design of vane wheel in conical jet bit

    旋转射流钻头的 叶轮设计

  • This paper mainly introduces the operation theory 、 main technology characteristic 、 the problem should be noticed during adjustment and commissioning and analyze the common fault and its elimination method 、 maintenance experience of vane wheel coal feeder governor in XinYu power plant .

    介绍了新余发电厂 叶轮 煤机调速器工作原理、主要技术特性、调整及试运行应注意的问题,并对常见故障分析提出了排除方法、维护经验等。

  • Floc size distribution in a dynamic flocculator with a flat vane wheel was measured experimentally .

    实验测定了平直 叶轮动态混合絮凝器内絮团粒度的空间分布。

  • A pouring adhesive made of epoxy resin for glazing vane wheel was prepared in the paper .

    研究开发了研磨 用单组分环氧树脂浇铸胶粘剂。

  • This paper has researched control theory of the rotary vane wheel integrated the control theory of carrier wave realized remote program control of the rotary vane wheel in MaTou electric power plant .

    本文结合载波控制理论对 叶轮给煤 控制系统进行了研究,实现了马头发电总厂叶轮给煤机远方程序控制系统。

  • For the calculated zones composed of rotating vane wheel and static volute MRF ( moving reference frames ) is used .

    由于计算域由转动的 叶轮和固定的蜗壳组成,使用了多重参考坐标系(MRF)把旋转区域和静止区域分开。

  • The structure and designing calculation of auxiliary vane wheel after the modification of the shaft seal for the gas compressor have been briefly described .

    简单介绍了对气体压缩机上的轴封改造后的副 叶轮密封装置的结构及设计计算。

  • Research on the Pressure Drop and Separation Efficiency of a Cyclone Vane Wheel

    一种导流旋流 叶轮的阻力和分离效率实验研究

  • The floating driving wheel test equipment and adjustable vane wheel are developed .

    研制了变参数 叶片 试验 和浮式驱动试验装置;

  • The Deduction of Computed Formula of Vane Wheel 's Cut of Centrifugal Pump

    离心泵 叶轮切割计算公式的推导

  • According to the principal theory of hydraulics and hydraulic drive the drive characteristics of hydraulic coupler with plane slant vane wheel are discussed in details on this paper and the mathematical models of the basic parameters-torque coefficient and axial force are proposed .

    本文运用水力学与液力传动基本理论对具有平面倾斜 叶片 叶轮的液力偶合器传动特性进行了较详细的分析,并得出了力矩系数与轴向力两个主要参数的数学模型。

  • According to the actual running parameters a new type vane wheel of circulating water pump was designed and manufactured good benefit of energy saving was obtained after replacing .

    针对 热电厂循环水泵的实际运行参数,重新设计制造了节能抗蚀新 叶轮,更换后取得了较好的节能效益。

  • The test results indicates that the loss of energy in propeller slipstream is certainly reduced by adding vane wheel . The propulsive efficiency can be increased by 10 % in the tested case and this result has good agreement with the theoretical predicted value .

    试验结果表明,常规螺旋浆加装 导轮装置后,确可减少尾流中的能量损失,提高给出实例中的螺旋桨效率达10%,与理论 设计预估结果相当一致。

  • The application of the Auxiliary Vane Wheel Sealing

    叶轮密封在 气体 压缩机上的应用

  • Design & Manufacture of Core Box of Vane of Pump Wheel


  • Development of Semi automatic Forming Machine for Vane Wheel Profile


  • In this paper the principle of applying vane wheel to convert the energy in the slipstream of conventional propeller into propulsive power is analysed and a design method for vane wheel based on lifting line theory is also given .

    本文分析了应用 导轮 装置可将常规螺旋桨尾流能量转换为推进功率的原理,给出了以升力线理论为基础的导轮设计方法。

  • Computer aided design of plane view drawing and wooden model drawing of centrifugal pump vane wheel

    离心泵 叶轮平面图及木模图的计算机辅助设计

  • The vane of a pump wheel in a kind of tank hydraulic torque converter has very complicated structure and requires high surface quality and dimension tolerance .

    某军品坦克液力变矩器传动 中的泵 叶片结构复杂, 只能通过 铸造 工艺 成形铸件要求很高的尺寸精度和 铸造表面粗糙度。

  • Study on the Vane Wheel of Small Wheeled Tractor for Dryland

    小型四轮拖拉机旱田 驱动 叶轮的研究

  • Regeneration of the original vane wheel machine number of improvements designed mainly to solve the difficult installation of the blade wheel both sides of the leakage of sand leaves group can not rotate and so on .

    对原有 叶片 再生机进行多处改进设计,主要解决了叶片难于安装、砂轮两侧漏砂、叶片组不能转动等问题。

  • Mathematical Model for Computer-aided Survey and Drawing System for Vane Wheel of Hydraulic Torque Converter

    液力变矩器 叶轮计算机辅助测绘的数学模型

  • Improvement of bonding process for SW type of glazing vane wheel

    SW型研磨 粘接工艺的改进

  • The cleaning principle of the vane wheel vegetable cleaning device and the motive orderliness of the water stream was analyzed .

    分析了蔬菜清洗装置的工作原理以及 水流的运动规律。

  • Leaf > leafstalk . Vane Wheel System Applied to a Passenger Ship

    叶片>叶柄。客船 导轮的应用

  • Using the strain gauge to acquire data of the stress time history under current operating condition on the critical location of the vane wheel and using the fatigue theory to evaluate its residual working life is one of the effective engineering methods on fatigue problems study .

    通过在 叶片危险部位 粘贴应变 进行数据采集以获取其在当前运行工况下的应力时间历程,结合疲劳理论来预估其剩余工作寿命是工程中有效的疲劳问题研究方法。