verbal promise

[ˈvɚbəl ˈprɑmɪs][ˈvə:bəl ˈprɔmis]

[法] 口头诺言,口头承诺

  • It is impossible to believe that Mourinho will last the week without lobbing more verbal grenades at highbury despite a promise not to seek trouble .

    尽管已经 承诺不再滋事,要相信 穆里尼奥不朝海布利丢更多手榴弹安稳度过这周是不可能的。

  • The desire for security can be satisfied through verbal reassurance promise of steady employment .

    通过 口头安慰, 许诺稳定职业,可以满足对安全感的要求。