Sunrise at Vermillion Lake . I should have posted this one before the previous one .
朱砂湖的黎明时刻,这张 照片应该放在上张 照片的前头的。
Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to show off their jeweled kernels .
院子里,饱满的石榴 撑破了 朱 红色的外衣,展示着宝石般的果粒。
Conclusion : Use of lateral V-shaped flap to repair vermillion defects achieved definite results .
结论:侧向V型瓣修复 红唇,效果确切。
Kevin Duffy ( above ) a fisheries technician with Avista Utilities monitors two fish in the Vermillion River that didn 't complete the journey to their natal streams .
凯文·达菲(上图),AvistaUtilities的一位渔业技术员监测 弗米 利恩河没有完成返回它们出生溪流的两条鱼。
His representative works include Moment in Peking A Leaf in the Storm The Vermillion Gate Between Tears and Laughter My Country and My People etc.
林语堂代表作有《京华烟云》、《风声鹤唳 》、 《 朱门 》、 《啼笑皆非》、《吾国与吾民 》等。