


  • Conclusion MTC is a convenient effective and safe method of treatment for verruca vulgaris .

    结论MTC是一种简便、有效、安全的治疗 寻常 的新方法。

  • Objective Observing clinical effect of vanish flat verruca therapy for verruca plana .

    目的观察消平疣 冲剂对扁平 的临床疗效。

  • Effect of Tazarotene Gel in Patients with Acne vulgaris and Verruca plana ; Clinical Study in the Joint Treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris with Ebastine Tablets 、 Mometasone Furoate Cream and Tazarotene Cream

    他扎罗汀凝胶治疗寻常痤疮、 扁平 疗效观察他扎罗汀乳膏联合治疗寻常型银屑病的研究

  • Conclusion Yikeer dermal disinfectant is a safe and effective drug treating verruca plana .

    结论: 伊可尔皮肤消毒液治疗扁平 安全、有效。

  • Curative Effect Observation of Transfer Factor Capsules Combined with Tretinoin Cream on Verruca Plana of Face

    口服转移因子联合维A酸乳膏治疗面部 扁平 疗效观察

  • Conclusion Microwave therapy is the first treatment to primary verruca vulgaris of hand .

    结论手部 较大 寻常 首选微波治疗。

  • Objective To explore the clinical effect of verruca plantaris with32P application and its clinical value .

    目的探讨放射性32P敷贴 治疗 跖疣临床疗效,评价其应用价值。

  • Clinical Observation on Verruca Vulgaris Treated by Moxibustion with Joss Sticks

    15.香灸治疗 寻常 临床观察

  • Change in cytokine in condyloma acuminatum and verruca vulgaris patients

    尖锐湿疣和 寻常 患者外周血细胞因子和 T-淋巴细胞 的变化

  • Methods : Use new type Q-switched Nd : YAG lasers to treat 26 cases of verruca plana .

    方法:试用Q-开关钕:钇-铝石榴石激光倍频 532nm 波长对26例 扁平 患者进行治疗。

  • Observations on the Efficacy of Fire Needling in Treating Verruca Plana of Liver Qi Depression and Phlegm Stasis Type

    要是痰火上,转过一口气来,就不要紧了。火针治疗 肝郁痰凝型 扁平 疗效 观察

  • Observation on the efficacy of BCG polysaccharide nucleic acid and liquefrozen on the verruca around nail

    卡介菌多糖核酸联合液氮冷冻治疗甲周 疗效观察

  • Clinical Research on Chinese Medicine Verruca Clean Praeparatum to Clear HR-HPV

    外用中药 毒静制剂对HR-HPV清除作用的临床研究

  • Conclusions Medical Moxibustion is an effective method on treatment of verruca vulgarism .

    结论药条灸治疗 寻常 疗效确切。

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of 5-flucytosine combined with transfer factor treating for multiple verruca plantaris .

    目的:探讨5-氟尿嘧啶与转移因子联合治疗多 性跖疣的疗效和安全性。

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of microwave tissue coagulation ( MTC ) to treat verruca vulgaris .

    目的评估微波组织凝固法(MTC)治疗 寻常 的疗效。

  • OBJECTIVE To explore a new method of curing the flat verruca .

    目的探讨治疗扁平 的新方法。

  • Conclusion The proliferation of verruca vulgaris may not be due to reduced apoptosis of epidermal keratinocytes .

    结论 寻常 的增殖性 改变可能不是由于表皮角质形成细胞凋亡降低引起的。

  • The clinical effect on verruca plana was best among 4 types of verrucae .

    在4种类型皮肤疣中 扁平 的疗效最好。

  • The Research of Verruca Nevus on Scalp cured by CO_2 laser and surgical operation

    CO2激光术与手术切除术治疗头皮 状痣的临床探讨

  • Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of intensified puncture autoimplantation technique on Verruca plana .

    目的观察穿刺置疣术配合强化茶饮治疗 扁平 的临床疗效。

  • Objective : To observe the treatment effect on the verruca planae with special bandwidths Laser .

    目的:观察Q532波长激光对 扁平 的治疗效果。

  • Observation on the efficacy of recombinant human interferon α - 2b gel in combination with iontophoretic therapy for verruca plana

    重组人干扰素α-2b凝胶联合电离子治疗 扁平 疗效观察

  • METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks .

    方法对扁平 患者,用无色碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

  • An effective method for treating the obstinate verruca plana was introduced .

    介绍了治疗顽固性 扁平 的有效方法。

  • Efficiency of High-Frequency Electro-Acupuncture and Adapalene Gel in Treating Verruca Senilis I play with frogs so much that I 've always got considerable many warts .

    高频电针和阿达帕林凝胶治疗老年 临床观察我老爱玩青蛙,所以我老是长出许许多多的疣子。

  • The Contrast of Verruca Plantaris Curative Effect between the Methods of Aloe Ectal Strap and CO_2 Laser

    芦荟外贴与CO2激光 治疗 跖疣的疗效比较

  • A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol used as an antiseptic for wounds . METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks .

    碘酊;碘酒溶于酒精的碘的一种液体,用作防止伤口感染的药剂方法对扁平 患者,用无色碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

  • The treatment of verruca plana verruca vulgaris and three kinds of patients with plantar warts according to the order and voluntary principles are divided into A group ( treatment group ) and B ( control group ) .

    将就诊的 扁平 ,寻常疣,及跖疣三种患者按先后顺序和自愿原则分别分为A组(治疗组)和B组(对照组)。