
v.证实[计算机]检验( verify的现在分词 )[军械]核查查对

  • Thus each segment of code would be made responsible for maintaining and verifying the integrity of other segments .

    因此每个代码段将要负责维持和 核对其他代码段的完整性。

  • Model checking is a technique for automatically verifying finite-state concurrent systems .

    模型检验是自动 检验有限状态并发系统的技术。

  • In addition to verifying the correctness of the system under test tests also serve as documentation .

    除了 确认被测系统的正确性外,还可以将测试作为文档提供。

  • A system-level error occurred while verifying trust .


  • Documents verifying that it has efficient information and technology system ;

    (四)拥有高效、快速的信息技术系统的 证明文件;

  • Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model .

    第3节和第4节对提出的模型进行了实验 验证

  • RAID-Z is constantly verifying data checksums for integrity and is able to identify blocks needing to be rebuilt .

    RAID-Z会经常 检验数据校验和,以确认完整性,它还能够识别需要重新构建的块。

  • End users who are responsible for testing and verifying the warehouse design and implementations .

    终端用户,负责测试和 验证仓库的设计和实现。

  • It 's possible to decompress compile install and use Samba without verifying the software 's authenticity .


  • Many examples of testing and verifying the correctness and the feasibility of this method are presented .

    用实例 验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。

  • The frame is also tested on fatigue test machine verifying the results of analysis .

    然后在疲劳试验机上进行试验, 验证理论模型及分析结果的 正确性。

  • Further experiments on verifying technique are also discussed .

    讨论了进一步开展的 核查技术实验。

  • Quality Dept. is responsible for verifying the implementation and effects of the solutions .

    质量部组织对责任部门实施情况和效果进行 验证

  • The simplified model is validated by verifying the main characteristics and functions of the FCS .

    通过对飞控系统各项功能与特点的 检验,对飞控系统简化模型进行了 验证

  • Automatically verifying that the monitor sets a user defines will accomplish useful and meaningful monitoring .

    自动 验证用户定义的监测集将完成有用和有意义的监测。

  • This signature is a means of verifying that the legitimate user is the author of this message .

    这种签名是 验证合法用户是否是此消息的作者的一种方式。

  • We can know whether the file was altered by verifying the checksum value with that of original file .

    我们可以知道该文件是 核查与原文件的校验和值改变。

  • Experimental works for verifying the basic calculation equation of gas injector have been conducted on the lab-testing rig .

    在实验装置上对气体引射器计算基本公式进行了实测 验证,分析了理论特性曲线的可信度。

  • The validity of the proposed method was demonstrated by theoretical analyzing and verifying experiment on the rotor system .

    通过对转子系统实测 信号的分析诊断, 验证理论方法的有效性。

  • The results of model calculation are consistent with the experimental results verifying the correctness of the modeling .

    模型计算与实验结果的一致性 验证了建模的正确性。

  • It provides a quick and easy way of verifying that a transaction exists when you invoke a particular method .

    它提供了一种简单的方法, 用于 验证当您调用特定的方法时某个事务是否存在。

  • The results show that the improved schemes are secure without decreasing the efficiency of signing and verifying .

    结果表明,改进后的方案既能保证安全性又不会降低签名和 验证性能。

  • First of all SSL can solve the problem of verifying that you are connected to the correct server .

    首先,SSL可以 验证 是否连接到了正确的服务器。

  • It can be used for verifying the reliability of NC program and forecasting the machining process .

    它为 验证数控程序的可靠性,预测切削过程提供了 强有力的工具。

  • The global attractors of the coupled system is studied by verifying the condition ( C ) .

    作者通过 验证条件(C)成立首次证明了吊桥耦合系统全局吸引子的存在性。

  • Finally the mathematical analysis and simulations are presented for verifying the effectiveness of this new model .

    最后通过数学分析和仿真的方法对所提出的改进算法进行了 验证

  • Numerical examples are given for verifying the effectiveness and correctness of the RKP-BEF method presented in this paper .

    最后给出了数值算例, 验证了本方法的有效性和正确性。

  • Model checking is a formal method for verifying the temporal logic properties of finite state systems .

    模型检测是一种 验证有限状态系统的时序逻辑属性的形式化方法。

  • Is there an adequate and formal system for receiving / verifying tools and equipment ?

    是否有一个正式的充分有效的体系来接收/ 确认工具和设备?