vibratory feeder


  • Research on electromagnetic vibratory feeder is also be made .

    另外,对目前广泛应用的电磁 振动 料斗也进行了一定的研究。

  • Influence of material combination on dynamic parameters of bobbing machine Research on material combination characteristics of vibratory feeder

    物料结合对振动机动力学参数的影响 振动 给料机物料结合的实验研究

  • The Experimental Research on the Floating Piezoelectric Vibratory Feeder

    浮动式压电 振动 装置的试验研究

  • A vibratory feeder that can control discharge of iron powder quantitatively is designed based on working conditions and experimental results .

    根据 工况要求和有关铁粉流动性以及流量的试验结果,设计出一种可 实现定量控制 功能 振动 料斗

  • Integrated technology solved in vibratory bowl feeder design with physics effect

    物理效应引入法求解 振动 料斗设计中的综合技术功能

  • The Principles of an Electromagnetical Vibratory Feeder with Variable Vibratory Factors and its Realization

    变参数电磁 振动 料斗原理及其实现

  • A decoupled vibratory feeder and its driving controller have been designed and fabricated based on which an experimental set-up of the digital vibratory feeding system has been successfully developed in the project .

    在本项研究中,作者设计加工了解耦 振动 料斗及其驱动控制器,并成功搭建了一数字化振动传输系统实验平台。

  • The basis in theory and practice is provided for the renewal of the general vibratory feeder and the similar vibration machine .

    为普通 以及类似振动机械的更新提供了理论和实验依据。

  • The system mainly consists of a decoupled vibratory feeder sensors and a driving controller .

    该系统主要由解耦 振动 料斗、传感器和驱动控制器三部分组成。

  • These experimental data are basis of vibratory feeder design .

    这些实验数据为 振动 料斗的设计奠定了基础。

  • A New Method of Reducing the External disturbance of Vibratory Feeder & Studies on the Self-equilibrating Vibratory Feeder with the Compound Trough

    一种减少 振动 供料 对外 扰的新方法&复槽自平衡振动供料机的研究

  • Electromagnetic Exciter of Vibratory Feeder Controlled by Microcontroller

    振动 料斗电磁激振器微控器控制