Vicat softening point

[化] 维卡耐热度

  • The several brands of PE materials used on Al plastics compound pipe are tested and its mechanics property Melt Index ( MI ) Vicat Softening Point ( VSP ) and etc are given .

    对用于铝塑复合管的不同种PE原料的力学性能、熔体流动速率、 维卡 软化 等性能进行了测试,并研究了标记 铝塑 复合管不 同种 用途 母料 加入对材料性能的影响。

  • When the fiber contents were 40 phr the tensile strength was 70 MPa impact strength 11kJ / m ~ 2 vicat softening point 111 ℃ and hardness 176 MPa .

    在玻璃纤维含量的40份时,复合材料的拉伸强度70MPa,缺口冲击强度11kJ/m~2, 维卡 软化 111℃,布氏硬度176MPa。

  • It showed that the mechanical properties Vicat softening point ( VSP ) of ABS / organic MMT composites were improved .

    有机蒙脱土改善了与ABS树脂的 相容 界面 结合力,ABS 沮城 T复合材料的力学性能、 维卡 软化 ABS有显著提高。

  • The results showed that the glass transition temperature and vicat softening point increased obviously with the increase of the content of the terpolymer .

    结果表明:随共聚物用量的增加,共混物的玻璃化温度和 维卡 软化 明显提高;

  • Testing method for vicat softening point of thermoplastics

    热塑性塑料 软化 维卡 试验方法

  • The results showed that peanut hull powder could increase flexural strength hardness vicat softening point tensile strength and elongation at break of the composites but its melt flow rate and impact strength were decreased .

    结果表明,加入花生壳粉后,复合材料的弯曲强度、硬度、 维卡 软化 温度、拉伸强度和断裂伸长率均有所提高,但其加工流动性能和冲击强度有所下降。

  • As the content of paraffin changed from 40 % to 70 % its tensile strength dropped from 9.2 MPa to 5.6 MPa . The vicat softening point and hardness also dropped seriously .

    但力学性能大幅降低,抗拉强度由石蜡含量40%时的9.2MPa下降到70%时的5.6MPa, 维卡 软化 温度和硬度也明显降低。

  • The extraction separation experiment and differential scanning calorimetric measurement indicate that the resultant belongs to crystallizable isotactic polymer possessing isotactic index ranging from 45 % to 90 % melting point 215 ℃ and Vicat softening point 193 ℃ .

    抽提分离和差示扫描量热法测试表明,其为结晶型全同立构聚合物,全同立构含量为45%~90%,熔点为215℃, 维卡 软化 为193℃。