


  • A venerable sage with white hair and beard .

    有着花白头发和胡须的 德高望重的智者。

  • May Day has become a venerable institution

    朔节已经变成一个 神圣 庄严 传统 节日

  • After I read the Venerable Master Hua 's Dharma talks and what other Dharma Masters said about abortion I was really frightened .

    我读了 的开示和法师们对「堕胎」的说法,我真的害怕了!

  • Venerable Master what are your thoughts on this ?

    所以,请问 师父您对这方面的看法如何?

  • The pursuit of happiness has a venerable tradition in British political economy .

    追求幸福是英国政治经济学中一 传统。

  • But our venerable master has already promised .

    然而这是 太爷答应了的。

  • And when the Venerable Ananda had gone away Mara the Evil One approached the Blessed One .


  • Valerie Hermann chief executive of Yves Saint Laurent has brought light to the venerable French fashion house .

    伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)的首席执行官瓦莱丽•赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)为 古老的法国时尚殿堂带来了光明。

  • The bent and venerable Major and Mrs. Ward ;

    有驼背的、 德高望重的华德少校和 他的夫人;

  • I see you still have your venerable old car !

    我看见你还在用那辆 古董 的旧汽车。

  • It was an awful blow to the venerable earl .

    这件事对 德高望重的伯爵是一个沉重的打击。

  • In1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought .

    年RichardFeynman提出, 值得 尊敬的Turing机器的功能也许并没有人们所想的那么强大。

  • I will travel with most venerable producer .

    我会和最 德高望重的制片人。

  • My grandfather is venerable for his age his uprightness and sagacity .

    我祖父以他的年长,正直和睿智而 尊敬

  • Venerable dailies such as the Tokyo Times have shut down .

    像《东京时报》之类的一些有 名望的日报已经停刊了。

  • We plan to visit the venerable ruins of the abbey .

    我们计划去访问该修道院的 珍贵 历史遗址。

  • You 're the night watchman Lawrence . A venerable position in this institution .

    你是守夜人,这个博物馆里很 值得 尊敬的职位。

  • A very old venerable man ; an elder .

    最年长者 德高望重的人;长者。

  • The original mysteriously disappeared after Venerable Wang made the copies .


  • Where can we buy some of these peonies with such a venerable bloodline ?

    我们可以从哪里买到这些有 高贵血统的牡丹花呢?

  • An ancient and venerable Chinese custom with Chinese people to introduce me .

    我将通过本地人的介绍,了解一种古老而 值得 尊敬的中国传统。

  • Is the babe young ? When I behold it it seems more venerable than the oldest man .

    婴儿年幼吗?但当我注视它时,它好像要比最老的人还要 古老

  • People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu .


  • So would the venerable Drucker find a new publisher today ?

    那么, 可敬的德鲁克会在今天找到一家新的出版商吗?

  • Columbia was a young city compared to venerable Charleston .

    历史 悠久的查尔斯顿相比,哥伦比亚是个年轻的城市。

  • My father and my mother met at a venerable English University .

    我的父亲和母亲在一 历史 悠久的名牌大学中相遇。

  • What were the subtexts of this venerable tale ?

    这部 古老的童话所暗含的意义是什么呢?

  • Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway .


  • Why the venerable gent could have passed for73 .

    为什么,这位 令人 尊敬的绅士已经过了73岁了。