vertical weld

[ˈvɚtɪkəl wɛld][ˈvə:tikəl weld]


  • This paper discussed the total process of fabrication for big diameter vertical heat exchanger including mostly tubesheet machining technics request of tubesheet piecing-up and weld request of tubesheet-to-shell ;

    介绍了大直径 立式换热器的制造过程,主要包括管板拼接、加工的工艺要求以及管板与筒体 焊接要求;

  • The result shows some cracks appearing on vertical weld connecting web plate of body bolster and draft sill as well as the part between web plate of body bolster and top cover plate .

    试验结果表明,无中梁罐车存在枕梁腹板与牵引梁 焊缝裂纹及枕梁腹板与枕梁上盖板之间的裂纹。

  • Where as TIG dressing can result in crater cracks and therefore shorten the fatigue lifetime . The S & N curve and life estimation equation under vertical weld after TIG dressing are presented by least square method .

    钨极氩弧焊(TIG)修整虽能改善 焊缝 形状,但弧坑处易于产生裂纹,疲劳寿命降低;利用最小二乘法给出 时疲劳寿命的估算式及S&N曲线。

  • For the same steel the cracking resistance of the normal welded joint is better than the hydrogen-containing joint and the vertical weld to the rolling direction is better than hte parallel weld to it .

    对同一种钢来说,无氢较合氢、 垂直于轧制方向较平行于轧制方向的焊接 接头有较高的抗应力腐蚀破裂的能力。

  • Fatigue life of the vertical damper hold is forecasted to study the influence of some factors such as the finite element style 、 the mesh size near the weld toe during the hot spot stress method analysis .

    采用不同的单元类型和单元尺寸对该二系 减振器座进行热点应力分析,研究单元类型和单元尺寸对热点应力法的影响。

  • The zone division method for dividing welds into several vertical zones is used the weld zones are scanned by ultrasonic transducers held by the scanner and the inspection result is displayed in the form of image .

    超声相控阵技术采用区域划分法将 焊缝分成 垂直 方向的若干区,由扫查器携带超声相控阵探头运动,对其分区进行电子扫查,检测结果以图像形式显示。

  • Increase of the fatigue strength in a vertical weld joint of offshore drilling plateform and actual application

    TIG熔修提高平台 接头疲劳强度及实船应用

  • The S & N curve and life estimation equation under vertical weld after TIG dressing are presented by least square method .

    利用最小二乘法给出 时疲劳寿命的估算式及S&N曲线。

  • Research for vertical and horizontal weld technics of crawl type arc welding robot

    爬行式弧焊机器人 与横向 焊接工艺的研究