vertical scroll bar


  • ( Obsolete ) Occurs when the control 's vertical scroll bar is clicked .

    (过时)在单击控件的 垂直 滚动 时发生。

  • Fires when the user scrolls either of the horizontal or the vertical scroll bar

    在用户滚动水平 滚动 垂直 滚动 时激发

  • Modify the value min-height on the iframe element to increase the height of the widget and eliminate the vertical scroll bar .

    在iframe元素上修改值min-height,以通过增加小部件的高度来消除 垂直 滚动

  • Use the Navigator buttons located below the vertical scroll bar at bottom-right to browse by the selected object

    利用位于 垂直 滚动 下端的选择游览对象按钮(位于窗口右下角)可按所选对象进行浏览

  • Specifies the vertical scrolling increment for a form 's vertical scroll bar .

    指定窗体 垂直 滚动 的滚动增量。

  • Use to add a horizontal or vertical scroll bar with adjustable scroll button to an interface .

    用于将带有可调滚动按钮的水平或 垂直 滚动 添加到界面上。

  • Lotus Widget Factory generates fixed-height widgets that might result in a vertical scroll bar on your deployment .

    LotusWidgetFactory生成高度固定的小部件,它在部署之后可能导致出现 垂直 滚动