virtual volume

[ˈvɚtʃuəl ˈvɑljum][ˈvə:tjuəl ˈvɔlju:m]


  • On the basis of the above results the human-computer interaction technology was applied into virtual slitting technology so as to realize plane slice and volume slitting in any place or any angle .

    在此基础上,将人机交互技术应用到 虚拟剖切算法中,实现三维模型任意位置、任意角度的平面剖切和 剖切;

  • Accompanied with mechanism of virtual device driver in Linux and assisted by Logical Volume Manager LVR intercepts the writing requirements and fulfills the mission of replication .

    利用Linux操作系统的 虚拟设备驱动程序机制,在 管理系统中嵌入远程复制功能,通过截获和复制逻辑 上所有的写请求实现逻辑卷的复制。

  • The multi level interest management for distributed virtual environment can reduce network loads greatly but it also increases the volume of data transmitted .

    分布式 虚拟环境中,分级兴趣管理技术虽能进一步减少负载,但却会增加数据的发送

  • Often the only storage tasks that might need to be performed during normal operations are decisions about creating the appropriate volume size when a new virtual machine is provisioned and expanding volume sizes when needed .

    通常,在正常的操作中,需要执行的惟一存储任务就是,当提供新的 虚拟机时决定创建适当的容量大小,以及在需要时扩展 容量大小。

  • Haptic Sculpturing in the Virtual Volume Space

    虚拟 空间中的触觉雕刻

  • This virtual disk in LVM terms is called volume group .

    这个 虚拟磁盘在LVM术语中称为 组( volumegroup)。

  • An empirical study of virtual organ computer aided analysis of three-dimensional ultrasound volume measurement with different rotation steps

    不同旋转步长三维超声 体积自动测量技术测量 体积准确性的 仿体实验研究

  • These are COM interfaces are part to the Virtual Disk Service the underlying API Windows uses for most volume and disk management features .

    这个COM接口属于 虚拟磁盘服务( VirtualDiskService)的一部分,VDS是Windows大量用在 和磁盘管理特性的底层API。

  • Customize the customer virtual memory size according to your logical disk volume .

    根据您的逻辑磁盘 自定义客户 虚拟内存的大小。

  • In MSS the portion of a sequential data set on a virtual volume that can be staged for processing .

    在海量存储系统(ss),处于 虚拟上可以进行分级(台)理的一部分顺序数据集。

  • This topic research is combined by the embedded technology and virtual instrument technology with the current size detection technology to explore a new equipment with small volume low cost high reliability and practicality .

    本课题将嵌入式技术和 虚拟仪器技术相结合,运用现行的尺寸检测技术,开发出了一款 体积小、成本低、可靠性高、实用性强的尺寸检测仪器。

  • I. e the virtual volume coefficient of the bubbles has been introduced in this model .

    模型中各系数仍使用单相K&ε模型的形式,只新引入了气泡 虚拟 容积系数这一参数。

  • Palm devices have wonderful gestural support whereas Androids have physical buttons for main interactions whereas iPhones use virtual buttons for everything short of power and volume .

    Palm设备有极好的手势(Gestural)支持,Androids使用物理按键作为主要的交互手段,而iPhones则用 虚拟按键完成除了电源和 音量之外的任何操作。

  • Study of virtual octree model for volume data

    面向 数据的 虚拟八叉树模型研究

  • Based on rate-form virtual work principe Mindlin shell element and hypothesis that material volume is incompressible in plastic deformation elasto-plastic finite element of large deformation is introduced into sheet metal forming process and a contact and friction model is proposed .

    利用率形式的 功原理和考虑弯曲影响的Mindlin曲壳单元,根据塑性变形 体积不可压缩的假设,将大变形弹塑性有限元应用于板料成形过程中,建立了接触摩擦模型。

  • Third in order to implement the virtual clay modeling Boolean operations are fulfilled between tool swept volume and virtual clay model .

    然后进行工具扫描 和虚拟油泥模型之间的布尔运算,从而实现对 虚拟油泥模型的刮削、填补、刮削并填补等操作,完成虚拟油泥造型过程;

  • There are mainly two algorithms of collision detection in virtual reality : hierarchical bounding volume algorithm and space subdivision algorithm .

    基于层次包围 碰撞检测算法中,参与相交测试的包围盒的数目直接会影响到 碰撞检测的速度。

  • However faced with an increasingly sharp increase in the virtual currency trading volume network transactions tax has found itself in an urgent need of regulation .

    然而,面临 虚拟货币日益剧增的交易 ,其网络交易税收问题应然而生,亟待规制。

  • A Research of Backup Method Based on Virtual Disk Service and Volume Shadow Copy Service

    一种基于 VDS VSS的备份方法研究

  • The author will present a virtual models examples which was developed and used for design volume calculations visualizations and environmental impact studies in Slovenia .

    作者将呈现一个在斯洛文尼亚的 虚拟模型实例,利用此模型来进行设计、 体积计算、可视化和环境影响研究。

  • Virtual volume signal analyzer based on sound card

    基于声卡 虚拟 音频信号分析仪设计

  • These virtual market makers ' trading volume is far higher than the other investors with a small inventory percentage and buy low sell high at the same time .

    这些 虚拟做市商的正常交易 远远大于其他投资者,其存货百分比则远小于其他投资者,并在通过低买高卖赚取利润。

  • The system uses the compressed voxel model to construct virtual tool swept volume and workpiece model . It can also have the functions to analyze the dynamical milling process calculate the amount of workpiece 's cutting and optimize the NC program .

    系统采用了压缩形式的体素模型构造 各种刀具扫描 和工件模型,在三维空间进行动态数控加工仿真,计算材料切削量,进行切削过程动态分析及加工程序优化。

  • It can be used to create a new virtual machine add a volume to the machine and define machine templates via a cloud entry point .

    它可以用于创建新的 虚拟机,扩充机器的 容量,以及通过云接入点定义机器模板。

  • Approaches for sampling optimization and virtual increase in sampling volume are provided improvement of the uniformity in output space and the bigger size of 3D-LUT have been obtained respectively .

    建立了采样优化和采样点的 虚拟扩充方法,由此改善输出采样点的 空间分布均匀性和获得更大尺寸的三维查找表,进一步提高了查找表的变换精度。