vertical root

[ˈvɚtɪkəl rut][ˈvə:tikəl ru:t]


  • The first part of this paper summed up the domestic and foreign reports on vertical root fracture and reviewed the etiology clinical diagnosis and treatment of vertical root fracture with focus on the progress of diagnosis and treatment of vertical root fracture using new technology in recent years .

    本文综述部分总结了国内外关于 牙根纵裂的报道,从病因、临床诊断及治疗方面对 牙根纵裂进行综述,重点关注了近年来利用新技术在诊断、治疗牙根纵裂方面的新进展。

  • The vertical distribution of root system was greatly affected by soil water content and soil bulk density but the effect has difference in different sandy lands .

    土壤水分和容重对 根系 垂直分布影响较大,但对不同类型沙地 根系参数的影响存在差异。

  • Application of root apex locator to diagnose vertical root fracture

    根尖定位仪应用于 牙根纵裂的临床诊断

  • Conclusion Occlusal traumatism was the main causes of vertical root fracture . X-ray examination was helpful to diagnosis . Prevention methods should be taken for lacking of effective treatment on vertical root fracture of untreated teeth .

    结论咬合创伤是 牙根纵裂的主要原因,X线检查有助诊断,牙根纵裂缺乏有效的治疗方法,应以预防为主。

  • Objective To study the anatomical factors of vertical root fractures ( VRFs ) on vital pulp of maxillary first molar .

    目的分析活髓下颌第一磨牙 纵裂的解剖学病因。

  • Methods 14 cases of vertical root fracture from two hospitals and their controls ( matched with the ratio of 1:4 ) were investigated .

    方法对14例 牙根纵裂患者和按1:4配比的56例正常者作为对照进行咀嚼硬物情况的调查,调查结果行卡方检验。

  • Early diagnosis of vertical root fracture is difficult .


  • An in vitro study of two kinds of root apex locators to diagnose vertical root fracture

    2种根尖定位仪诊断 牙根纵裂的实验研究

  • METHODS : The clinical characteristics of 37 vertical root fractures were studied .

    方法:对37例后 牙根 纵裂患者进行病史询问,临床检查,X线检查等进行回顾性分析。

  • A case-control study of the relation between masticating hard food and vertical root fracture

    咀嚼硬物与 牙根纵裂发病关系的研究

  • Analysis of 23 cases with vertical root fracture

    23例 牙根 折的分析

  • The following case reports part explored the application of characteristic early X-ray findings with clinical examination in accurated diagnosis of vertical root fracture .

    本文临床病例报道部分,探讨了特征性早期X线表现辅以临床探诊检查对于正确诊断 牙根纵裂的应用。

  • Objective : To evaluate the contribution of radiogram in diagnosis of primary vertical root facture in mandibular first molar .

    目的:评价直接数字化影像技术在下颌第一磨牙 牙根 纵裂诊断中的作用。

  • Effects of Vertical Depth in Root Restriction Culture and Soil Texture on Apple Tree Development

    栽培中 根系 垂直深度和土壤质地对苹果树体发育的影响

  • The inter-coupling of mechanical model between the vertical root and soil was analyzed particularly . The generalized model of adding-bar effect and stabilizing effect analysis were advanced .

    详细分析了 垂直 与土的相互作用力学模型,提出根系加筋效应的概化模型及稳定效应分析。

  • The Progress and Case Reports of Diagnosis and Treatment on Vertical Root Fracture


  • Methods : 35 teeth of vertical root fractures were examined .

    方法:对35颗老年人 牙根 纵裂的牙齿临床表现进行研究。

  • Clinical analysis of vertical root fracture in the elderly

    老年人 牙根纵裂病因探讨

  • Objective : To study the cause of vertical root fractures in the elderly and to provide basis for the diagnosis and treatment .

    目的:探讨老年人 牙根纵裂的病因,为临床诊断、预防及治疗提供依据。

  • Obiective To study the application of root apex locator to diagnose vertical root fracture .

    目的研究应用根尖定位仪诊断 牙根纵裂。

  • Relationship between vertical root fracture and the habits of chewing betel nut


  • Based on the measured data from the winter wheat fields in Zhengzhou of Henan Province the vertical distribution of root length density ( RLD ) and root mass density ( RMD ) were analyzed .

    根据在郑州进行的冬小麦根系田间实测资料,研究了 长密度和根质量密度在砂壤土中的 垂直分布。

  • Methods The dental periodontal and X-ray of the teeth with vertical root fracture were studied in 35 cases .

    方法对32例35 的临床表现及X线片进行临床分析。

  • Preserving treatment of teeth with vertical root fractures by a renewed method of fixation

    用改进的固定方法保存治疗 后牙 折的疗效观察

  • Clinical analysis of causes of 37 molars vertical root fractures

    37颗后 牙根纵裂的病因分析

  • Case Report : The Application of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fracture

    锥线束CT用于 牙根纵裂临床诊断两例

  • Analysis of vertical medial root fracture of the first molar

    上、下颌第一恒磨牙近中 纵裂73例分析

  • Objective To study the induction of vertical root split by occlusal force .

    目的研究 牙根纵裂致病的咬合力因素。

  • Vertical root fracture refers to vertical fractures occurred in the root mostly occurring in molars of older people .
