Its content involves the literature the history the writing the versification the water conservation and so on many aspects .
其作品内容涉及文学、历史、文字、 音韵、水利等多个方面。
It is really a phenomenon worth our attention and interpretation while appreciating and accepting New Versification upon the Jade Station .
这的确是《玉台新 咏 》接受 史上值得关注与阐释的现象。
This person Wang Li in Chinese versification Today to discuss the grammar word rhetoric and structure contribute to the understanding of the general reader but did not enter the aesthetic field .
而 如今人王力的《汉语 诗律 学 》这样,讨论语法、词汇、修辞、结构等,有助于一般读者的理解,却又没进入审美领域。
Vulgarization of Poem Language and Versification of Folk Language
诗语的 俗化 和 俗语 的 诗化
The Chinese Sheng Functions of versification in poetry
美妙的笙 (英文 )诗歌中 韵律 格的功能 和作用
Through discussion one will understand more clearly the purposes of versification being used in order to have better mastery of it in appreciation and translation of an original poetry .
通过论述, 使 韵律 格的使用目的更加清楚,有 利于更好地运用韵律 格来欣赏和翻译原诗。
Tagore 's Prose Poetry has Influenced to the May Fourth New Versification On YUAN Zhen 's Regular Verse in Replying Rhyme
泰戈尔散文诗对五四新 诗体 式的影响 诗到元 和 体 变新 &元稹次韵律诗刍议
This paper discusses the three functions of versification in poetry-writing and translation : the reciprocal of rhyme and verse meter influences on lexical option as well as other rhetorical methods ' regulation in poetry-writing and translation .
文章论述了 韵律 格在诗歌创作和诗歌翻译中的三种功能和作用:音韵和诗句的互助性、格律在诗歌原作和译作遣词中的影响及其他修辞格在诗歌创作和译作中的调节作用。
Obscure Poetry makes a great progress at the liberation of man and construction of versification and inaugurates a new era in literature .
朦胧诗在人的解放和 诗体建设方面迈出了重要的一 步,开辟了新时期文学新纪元。
Versification and makes the painting good at both singing and dancing is my strong suit ;
呤 诗作画, 能歌善舞,是我的特长;
Simultaneously he also attached importance to versification .
同时,他也重视 诗律。
These have produced distinct kinds of versification among which the most common are quantitative syllabic accentual and accentual-syllabic .
这些原则已经产生了不同类型的 诗文,其中,最普通的是音长,音节,重读,重读音节。
And analyses The Raven from the following aspects : theme versification and imagery by which readers can taste the excitement caused by the atmosphere and appreciate the beauty contained in the poem .
坡为 诗而 诗的理论,并从主题、 音律 韵 式、意象三方面解读《乌鸦》,使读者感受到这首诗所带来的美。
The form of English poetry is imitated closely by Chinese modern poetry such as the stanza the strophe and the versification .
中国新诗极大地摹仿了英诗的 诗 形。英诗的文体形态是中国新诗的原始形态,特别是在诗段、诗节和 诗句的书写方式上,英诗成为新诗的直接模仿对象。
The paper concludes that LIN 's innovation lies in the versification and the profound influence of architectural art upon poetry .
其 突破和创新 既体现在 诗 形的建构上,也表现在诗歌艺术与建筑艺术的深层交错上。