vertical conveyer


  • A new kind of sand cooling device with vertical spouted-fluidized bed has been developed in this paper Which is similar to the horizontal vibrating fluidized conveyer cooler in principle but simply different from it in construction .

    提出了一种和传统使用的水平震动 沸腾冷却床原理相同但结构完全不同,性能优良的新型热砂冷却装置& 垂直流化床热砂冷却器。

  • Application of Vertical Screw Conveyer for Powdered Dibasic Calcium Phosphate

    垂直螺旋 输送机在磷酸氢钙粉料的应用

  • The checking computation of Living examples probes that the result obtained here approaches the reality and is useful for the theoretical calculation of vertical screw conveyer in the designing process .

    通过实验验算,所得结果与实际情况接近。可在 立式螺旋 输送机的设计中 应用

  • The key to selecting wire rope scientifically and rationally is pointed out from such aspects as friction hoisting and winding hoisting of vertical shaft and the orbit hoisting and conveyer belt of inclined shaft .

    竖井的摩擦式提升和缠绕式提升、斜井的轨道提升和 胶带 运输机 牵引等方面指出科学合理选择钢丝绳的关键。

  • Analysis of the Material Particle Motion in the Vertical Screw Conveyer

    物料颗粒在 立式螺旋 输送机中的运动分析

  • It mainly consists of hot air stove fan double-storehouse vertical conveyer etc.

    主要由热风炉、引风机、干燥仓、 提升 等部件组成。

  • A research of the optimum work-state of vertical spiral conveyer

    立式螺旋 输送机最佳工作状态的探讨

  • A Research Work on the Dynamic Parameters of the Vertical Screw Conveyer

    立式螺旋 输送机的动力参数研究

  • Research on Vertical Dual & Axle Inertia Vibratory Conveyer

    双轴惯性振动 垂直 输送试验机的研制