


  • AIM : The recovery of cervical alignment is significant for the long-term stability and biomechanics of cervical vertebra .

    目的:恢复颈椎的 生理曲度对 维持 颈椎的远期稳定性及恢复 颈椎本身的生物力学环境有重要意义。

  • Usually lumbar Di is changed and Di vertebra waist is changed can not cause any symptoms .

    一般情况下,腰椎骶化和骶 腰化可不引起任何症状。

  • Center part includes head and spinal cord be located in respectively inside cranial cavity and vertebra canal both close on structure and function connection form central nervous system .

    中枢部分包括脑和脊髓,分别位于颅腔和 椎管内,两者在结构和功能上紧密联系,组成中枢神经系统。

  • Objective Discuss clinical value of treatment of thoracic vertebra fracture though anterior approach .

    目的探讨前路治疗 胸椎骨折的疗效。

  • Objective : To assess the efficacy of total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil in cervical vertebra surgery .

    目的:评价普鲁泊福和瑞芬太尼全凭静脉麻醉在 颈椎手术中的应用效果。

  • MethodsTo measure BP and blood flow of vertebra artery and internal carotid artery by flow meter .

    方法股动脉插管,测量血压,分离 动脉和颈内动脉,用电磁流量计进行测量。

  • To esophagus cancer cervical vertebra sickness give the surgery to treat .

    对食管癌、 颈椎病予手术治疗。

  • Vertebra is open source and you can fairly easily deploy any software on Solo .


  • There are more and more osteoporotic vertebra compressed fracture patients in our country .

    在我国人口老龄化过程中,骨质疏松性 椎体压缩性骨折的病人逐渐增多。

  • Lumbar Di is changed and Di vertebra waist is changed is congenital rachis deformation .

    腰椎骶化和骶 腰化都是先天性脊柱畸形。

  • Conservative in the Treatment of Protrusion of Cervical Vertebra Intervertebral Disc : A Systematic Review

    我国保守疗法治疗 颈椎间盘突出症疗效和安全性的系统评价

  • Objective Discussion healthy crowd cervical vertebra X absorbs the piece at physical examination 's application value .

    目的探讨健康人群 颈椎X线摄片在体检的应用价值。

  • The second cervical vertebra on which the head turns .

    支撑头转动的第二条 颈椎

  • Objective To discuss the influence of paying attention to details in daily lives and functional training favorable to cervical vertebra on the recurrence rate of cervical spondylosis .

    目的探讨“经常注意对颈椎有利的日常生活细节与功能训练”对 颈椎病复发率的影响情况。

  • It severed the spinal column just above the first cervical vertebra .

    它就在第一 颈椎 之上将脊柱分隔开。

  • In cervical vertebra vertebral arch root nail stick fixed system treatment serious under cervical vertebra bone fracture dislocation nursing


  • Lumbar zygapophyseal joints asymmetry is the common anatomical abnormality in lumbar vertebra .

    腰椎关节突关节不对称在临床上是比较多见的一种 腰椎解剖学的异常。

  • Conclusion : Uses the massage technique treatment cervical vertebra sickness to be possible to enhance clinical obviously leads .

    结论:采用推拿手法治疗 颈椎病可以提高临床愈显率。

  • Conclusion Liu 's massage technique is effective on cervical vertebra disease of teenagers .

    结论刘氏按摩手法治疗青少年 颈椎疗效 明显

  • Cervical Vertebra Congenital Develop and Disease Relations study


  • Conclusion The role of the continuous overload cause acute damage of cervical vertebra and soft tissue .

    结论持续性过载作用对 颈椎及周围软组织产生急性损伤。

  • Objective To study non-surgical methods for the treatment of compression fracture of thoracolumbar vertebra .

    目的探讨非手术方法治疗胸 腰椎压缩性骨折的 临床 效果

  • At that time the people there all thought it might be the vertebra of a dragon .

    当时在场的人们都认为或许这就是龙的 脊椎

  • Describes the structure working principle and clinical application effect of the multi-functional treatment instrument for cervical vertebra .

    结合我院临床需要,自行研制了一种可 随身 携带的便携式多功能 颈椎治疗仪。

  • Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column .

    脊椎 腰背 或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。属于、关于脊柱或脊髓。

  • Nerve root type cervical vertebra 's disease is one of the commonest type cervical vertebra 's illnesses .

    神经根型 颈椎病是颈椎病中最常見的類型之一。

  • Especially action of dilate of arterial to vertebra base system is stronger .

    尤其对 基底动脉系统扩张作用更强。

  • The measurement of bone mineral density of lumbar vertebra and femoral neck of men

    男性 腰椎和股骨颈骨密度测量的 临床 价值

  • You have problem with your cervical vertebra .

    您患的是 颈椎

  • What does the cervical vertebra disease have to cure method well ?
