veterinary surgeon

[ˈvɛtərəˌnɛri ˈsɜrdʒən][ˈvetərəˌneri: ˈsə:dʒən]


  • Pets particular dogs and cats have to be examined by veterinary surgeon regularly .

    宠物,尤其是狗只及猫只应定时接受 兽医 检查

  • A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort .


  • Report any unusual findings to a competent veterinary surgeon who may want to X-ray the affected part .

    及时向有经验的 兽医报告你所发现的异常情况,根据需要,收益可能会进行X光检查。

  • a veterinary surgeon who specialises in the treatment of cage birds .

    专门诊治笼养鸟类的 兽医

  • I like animals once want to become a veterinary surgeon and enjoy opera cooking .

    我喜欢动物,曾经想成为一名 兽医,喜欢京剧、烹饪。

  • The Secretary may on payment by a registered veterinary surgeon of the prescribed fee issue to him a certificate of registration in a form determined by the board .

    注册 兽医缴付订明费用后,秘书可向该注册兽医发出一份符合管理局所决定的格式的注册证明书。

  • Judy Drysdale was the veterinary surgeon on duty at the Vets Now clinic at Ardene House at the time and said she arrived shaken up cold and suffered a nose bleed and sore eyes .

    朱迪•德斯戴尔是宠物医院那天的当班 兽医,她说,“公主”被送来时全身都在颤抖,一边抖,鼻子 一边流血,眼睛也受了伤。

  • Your veterinary surgeon will give you advice as to the method and procedure for examining the horse for health and soundness .

    你的 兽医会给出建议告诉你检查马匹健康的方法和步骤。

  • More serious are eye sores caused by cysts on the eyelids which will need to be removed by a veterinary surgeon .

    更严重的是由于眼睑囊肿造成的眼疮,需要 兽医 手术摘除。

  • Setting up a duty roster for the employees or managing appointments for a veterinary surgeon are the right jobs for this planning tool .

    一个 兽医为员工设立一个值勤表或管理任期为这一规划工具的合适的岗位。