


  • He did not think he was any more cruel any more vengeful than other men .

    他认为自己并不比其他人更冷酷,也不比 别人 报复

  • The Christian god is a three headed monster cruel vengeful and capricious .

    基督教的神是三个头的恶魔,残忍、 报复 、反复无常。

  • The rattling terrors of the vengeful snake ;

    复仇的蛇, 沙沙响动使人恐惧;

  • Belief in vengeful God may affect cheating College students who believe in a God seen as mean or punishing are less apt than others to cheat on a test US and Canadian researchers found .

    美国和加拿大的研究人员发现,视上帝为作心胸狭窄、 报复 强者的大学生在考试作弊时更笨拙。

  • A wicked vengeful sort of person .

    邪恶的、 复仇 的人。

  • She 's only a doll with a vengeful soul !

    她只是一个 一心 报复的人偶!

  • Other parts of the Judas gospel claim the world was not created by the true God whose divine spark flickers within all human beings but by a lesser deity & the vengeful God of the Old Testament .

    犹大福音的另外一些部分宣称,世界不是真正的神创造的,其神圣的火花闪烁在全部人类之中,而是一个较次要的神创造的,那就是《旧约》中的 复仇神。

  • Vengeful officials he said have even stymied his efforts to find a job by warning away would-be employers .

    他说,官员们 怀恨在心,甚至警告有意向的雇主不要聘用他,让他找不到工作。

  • Faced with a vengeful Tripoli the Swiss felt they had few allies to call upon .

    面对一心 想要 报复的利比亚,瑞士觉得自己几乎没有盟友可以依靠。

  • Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love the vengeful feeling that someone else has come between oneself and a beloved .

    因失恋而痛苦,因别人插足于自己与心上人之间而 报复,是最没有出息、最自作自受的

  • From the depths of the wilderness they come with sharpened claws and vengeful rage .

    他们从荒野深处而来,所有的只有锋锐的利爪和 复仇的怒火。

  • Is that we 're looking forsome kind of vengeful spirit .

    我们要找的是一个 复仇的幽灵。

  • Prague has enough folktales of axe-wielding executioners vengeful phantoms and the sub-human Golem to thrill a child 's bedtime for years .

    挥舞斧头的刽子手、 复仇的幻影,以及希伯来神化中类似人类的假人,布拉格有足够的民间传说,多年来,它们让孩子们在睡梦中发抖。

  • What vengeful part of Me would require that I subject you to eternal suffering of a type and at a level beyond description ?

    是我的 哪个 复仇 的部分,会要求我,让你们受到一种 言语都不足以形容的、永远的苦痛?

  • So we don 't need to become vengeful towards the dark side of the military-industrial complex and the secret state and all that .

    因此,我们不需要变的 想要报复这些军工企业秘密政府等等的黑暗派。

  • He knows she 's harboring vengeful thoughts .

    他知道她有 报复的想法

  • This was the War of the Satyr and they were vengeful for the death of their fallen father Xavius .

    这是一场萨特发动的战争,他们要为他们堕落之父&哈维斯的死 报仇

  • The Vengeful Gladiator 's Rifle will now play the proper sound when used .


  • Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful .

    但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈, 愤愤不平

  • This vengeful ghost has damaged attractions vandalized shops and has driven away the park patrons .

    这种 复仇幽灵已毁坏景点,破坏商店,赶走了公园入场的观众。

  • Are the ads the Bush campaign in action or just the vengeful protest of naval officers whose leadership was questioned in a recent biography of Kerry ?

    还是仅仅是 某些海军军官们的 报复 的抗议呢? 因为在最近出版的克里自传中,那些军官们在越战 期间的领导能力受到了质疑。

  • The Illusive fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction which in turn could bring out your vengeful side .

    善变且充满幻想的双子座人经常分散你的注意力,另一方面,你 记仇 个性也不 适合对方。

  • Becky how can you be so wicked and vengeful ?

    蓓基,你怎么可以那样 呢?

  • Freddy Krueger plays the vengeful monster who kills by slicing dicing and chopping people who had murdered him .

    弗雷迪·克鲁格扮演一个 复仇的魔鬼,他把那些杀害他的人一一肢解至死。

  • Oh if only God did not seem so furious and vengeful !

    唉,上帝要是不太生气,不 报复就好了!

  • One more vengeful spirit has appeared .

    又有一个 复仇的鬼魂出现了。

  • Today the Internet is flooded with Chinese public opinion obsessed with vengeful xenophobic thoughts .

    今天,互联网上充斥着中国民众 复仇 和排外的观点。

  • He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife

    他被 图谋 报复的妻子拿刀捅死了。