


v.表达,发泄(感情,尤指愤怒)( vent的现在分词 )

  • Being a punk is a way of venting to society to my family . I hate this world .

    作为一个庞克是我对家,也是对社会的一种 发泄方式。

  • Is the agreed tank venting system being used ?

    已使用经同意之 通气系统?

  • The rioters were prevented from venting their anger on the police .

    闹事者向警察 发泄怒气的企图没有得逞。

  • The emergency venting incurred due to power cut-off equipment failure or misoperation may pollute the environment .

    由于工厂停电、设备故障或操作失误等原因,可能导致紧急 放空,对环境造成污染。

  • Everywhere people are venting their frustration and increasingly taking their anger to the streets .

    世界各地的民众都在 表达着自己的挫折感,并越来越多地走上街头,发泄心中怒火。

  • Unit operates at lower venting pressure .

    可以在较低的 排气压力下操作。

  • Afterwards the venting system automatically re-seals itself when the gas pressure level returns its normal rate .

    气压水平回到它的标准比例后, 通风系统会自动进行再封闭。

  • Greater care about methane venting would of course reduce that problem .

    当然,谨慎处置甲烷的 排放会减少这种问题。

  • The venting requirements provided in this standard are based on studies of hexane stored in steel tanks .

    本标准中所提供的 放空要求是基于对存储在钢制储罐中己烷的研究。

  • Even in times when full-on anger is justified social protocol sometimes prevents you from truly venting .

    即便完全该生气的时候,社会法则有时候也不允许你彻底 发泄

  • Contrary to popular notion aggressive venting doesn 't relieve bad feelings but fuels them .

    和流行看法相反,侵略型“ 发泄”不会将不好感受释放,反而会助长它们。

  • If you can remain detached and calm they may begin to feel guilty about venting their anger on you .

    如果你能保持置身于外,保持平静,那么他们也许会对把气 在你身上感到内疚。

  • I blubbered for a while venting my sadness .

    我大哭大闹一场,狠狠地 发泄我的委屈。

  • I will begin emergency venting .

    我将开启安全 排气

  • No need to be alarmed or take notes . he 's venting . it 's tactical .

    不用惊慌也不用挂在心上,他在 发泄,这是一种战术。

  • Smoke movement during fire in a mall without venting was simulated by large eddy simulation ( LES ) model .

    用大涡模拟计算了一个没有 通风的室内商业街火灾的烟气流动。

  • Consider venting to flare system .

    考虑 排放至火炬系统。

  • Humorous stories provide us with outlets for venting our emotions .

    幽默故事提供我们 发泄情绪的 孔道

  • In batteries with central venting there is an increased concentration of detonating gas at the hose opening .

    在装有中央 通风 装置的蓄电池中,软管开口处的爆鸣气浓度会升高。

  • When an irate customer is complaining or venting it 's easy to get defensive .

    当生气的顾客在抱怨或 发泄 ,人很容易就会激起防卫心理。

  • The condenser should be hot enough to allow venting of some of the volatiles carried in the steam .

    冷凝器的热度,应足以使蒸气中的一些挥发物质 排出

  • Dry-type transformers require no venting of toxic gases an important safety consideration .

    干式变压器的要求没有考虑 通风有毒气体,一个重要的安全。

  • Do you really want an answer to all these questions or are you just venting ?

    对这些问题,你是真的想要得到答案,还是想 发泄 一下

  • However you are venting out against the general public and not the govt per say .

    但是,你是在对广大市民 发泄,而不是政府。

  • Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration .

    放开嗓子尖叫是 发泄被压抑的挫折感的一种好方法。

  • Experiments were carried out for measuring the velocity of smoke venting under the effect of sprinkler spray .

    利用三种不同的仪器,对水喷淋作用下 自然 排烟 的烟气流动速度进行了试测。

  • If anything it looks more like frustration and venting which may contribute to a further spiraling downward .

    这看起来更像是挫折和 消气,而这可能导致以后关系急速下降。

  • Venting their feelings out loud will make the comforting process easier .

    让他们将感觉大声地 发泄出来会使安慰过程更容易。

  • Venting about your job to colleagues or at your boss may mean losing a potentially valuable reference ;

    你工作中的 怨气对同事或者对老板 发泄让你失去潜在的有价值的关系户。

  • With proper venting the injection speed could be increased to achieve good fill and pack conditions without having to raise the barrel and nozzle heats improperly .

    有了适当的 排气,射速可以提高,充填和保压可达良好状态,不须过度增加料管和喷嘴的温度。