


  • He looked like a ventriloquist 's dummy .

    他看上去像 腹语 表演者 的人偶。

  • One character is a ventriloquist another a sleepwalker .

    一角色为 口技 演员,另一是梦游者。

  • The railing is old interpolated a fifth who had the voice of a ventriloquist .

    “这是一道老铁栏门。”第五个人说,那是个 肚子 说话

  • She 'd do it too said Thenardier in a low tone to Brujon and the ventriloquist .

    “她会干得出来的。”德纳第对着普吕戎和 肚子 说话的人低声说。

  • And to start with it was like a novelty ventriloquist act .

    就像 腹语 表演 那样开始准备。

  • A ventriloquist is performing with his dummy on his lap . He 's telling a dumb-blonde joke when a young platinum-haired beauty jumps to her feet .

    一位 口技 表演者 放在他膝上的玩具娃娃练习表演。他在跟金发碧眼的玩具娃娃说笑话的时候,一位白色头发的年轻美女突然一跃而起。

  • He is almost imperceptibly leaning back in his chair and as he speaks his mouth moves less than you might expect as if he were a ventriloquist minus a dummy .

    他说这话的 时候,身子几乎悄无声息地后靠椅子,嘴巴 幅度很小, 十足 口技 演员