



  • About 2 per cent of the population suffer from allergies to the venom from bees wasps and hornets .

    约2%的人对蜜蜂、黄蜂和马蜂的 毒液过敏。

  • The spider venom also works to increase nitric oxide levels but through a different mechanism Nunes said .

    Nunes说,这种蜘蛛 毒素也起增加一氧化氮水平的作用,但机理不同。

  • The snake bit me releasing its deadly venom into my bloodstream .

    蛇咬我并把它致命的 毒液释放进我的血管内。

  • Yes let 's do I said perhaps with a note of venom in my voice .

    “好的,就着样做,”我说,我的声音也许中带着 怨毒的音符。

  • Get yourself a Peter Lynn Venom today and discover the new world of kite boarding all over again .

    今天得到彼得?林恩 毒液和重新发现风筝搭□新世界。

  • If bitten the venom only affects the nerves slowly anyhow .

    就算真被咬了, 毒汁也只会慢慢影响神经。

  • I flinched back from the venom in her voice .

    我因为她话语里的 怨恨而畏缩了一下。

  • They drained some venom .

    他们挤出了一些 毒汁

  • Its venom is a very potent neurotoxin so don 't let it bite you .


  • The venom twists my limbs .


  • Poisonous snakes have hollow or grooved fangs for injecting venom . a reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria .

    毒蛇有中空或成凹槽的尖牙以射 毒液。爬行类蛇颈龙科亚目的一属。

  • Aggressive cobra widely distributed in Africa ; rarely bites but spits venom that may cause blindness .

    广泛分布于非洲的好斗的眼镜蛇;很少咬但吐出引起失明的 毒液

  • Snake venom cytotoxin and plant poisonous protein such as ricin all have the defence function .


  • Yes but they become almost immune to the snake venom .

    会啊;不过,他们几乎对 毒液免疫了。

  • Ahylysantinfarctase from snake venom extract with lower fibrinogen and blood viscosity of the material .

    蝮蛇抗栓酶从蝮蛇 蛇毒提取的具有降低纤维蛋白原和血液粘滞度的物质。

  • This makes the Venom II powerful and makes it easy to do new school moves .

    这使 毒液II强有力和牌子它容易做新学校移动。

  • Structure and Function Studies of a Novel Snake Venom Thrombin-like Enzyme from Agkistrodon Acutus

    一种新的尖吻蝮蛇 蛇毒类凝血酶的结构和功能研究

  • Signs and symptoms of an insect bite result from the injection of venom or other substances into your skin .

    昆虫咬伤的症状来源于 毒素或其它物质进入了你的皮肤。

  • Two large fangs of Finney in his nose the venom dripping into two rows .

    芬尼的两颗大毒牙就在他鼻子前晃荡, 毒液滴成了两排。

  • It 's the largest perhaps the most potent venom .

    这是最大,也许是 毒性最厉害的 毒液

  • He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy

    他对那些批评他外交政策的 人格 外心 怀怨

  • Bee stings differ from insect bites and the venom or toxin of stinging insects is quite different .

    蜂蛰伤不同于昆虫叮咬,带刺昆虫的 毒液或毒素是完全不同的。

  • Bee venom is toxic but has been used in clinical asthma and other allergic diseases .

    蜂毒是蜜蜂 体内的一种有毒液体,但在临床上被用于支气管哮喘等过敏性疾病的治疗。

  • An antitoxin that counteracts the effects of venom from the bite of a snake or insect or other animal .

    一种能抵抗蛇或其它有毒昆虫或动物之 毒素的抗毒素。

  • This red-spitting Cobra projects venom towards its attacker 's eyes .

    这条红色唾液眼镜蛇向攻击者的眼吐出 毒液

  • Their venom can kill just about anything so they don 't have much to worry about .

    他们的 毒液差不多能杀任何事,因此他们多没有烦恼有关。

  • The venom is in the tail .

    蝎子 在尾上。

  • The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes .

    这种药物是根据毒蛇的 毒液研制的。

  • There was no mistaking the venom in his voice .

    他的声音中明显透着 敌意