



  • I also loved walking along the Seine in sunset when the city was veiled in different shades of purple .

    当城市被各种紫色 遮掩,我也喜欢在日落时沿塞纳河散步。

  • To mistreat or intimidate by bullying . I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff .

    恐吓,威胁用暴徒的方式欺侮或恫吓我认为那 含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。

  • The spy veiled his plans .

    这个间谍 其计划 掩盖 起来

  • Veiled hints and uneasy silences .


  • Some people veiled their crafty nature under the mask of loyalty .

    有些人在忠诚的外表下 掩藏 奸诈的本性。

  • Veiled beneath a cloud was the moon 's pale visage .

    云下面 笼罩 的是月亮一张苍白的脸。

  • He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues

    他只是 含蓄地提到了国际社会对人权问题的关注。

  • A cold silvery mist had veiled the afternoon and the moon was not yet up to scatter it .

    这天下午起了一片银白色的寒雾, 蒙住一切,这会儿月亮还没有拨开雾霭,高 太空

  • Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites .

    最终产生了那些能够解释或者 掩盖这些仪式神秘性的故事。

  • Above him in a niche on the wall sat a tiny veiled Ganesh the elephant god

    在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头 神伽内什的塑像。

  • There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone .

    她语气中 着几乎未 掩饰的敌意。

  • This coincided with a black cloud which suddenly veiled the sun .

    这时一团乌云忽然 遮住了太阳。

  • He saw the veiled workers or angels around the throne .

    他看见用 翅膀 的天使围绕著宝座。

  • In my solitude of heart I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain .

    这寡独的 黄昏着雾与雨,我在我的心的孤寂里,感觉到它的叹息。

  • A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile .

    一位 面纱的女士朝我友好地微笑。

  • Not all Muslim women are veiled .

    并不是所有的回教妇女都 面罩

  • Suddenly I saw in front of me lady alroy deeply veiled and walking very fast .

    突然我看见阿尔罗伊夫人在我的前面, 厚厚的 面纱,走得很快。

  • Said the count to the veiled woman .

    伯爵对那个 蒙面的女人说。

  • Cobwebs veiled the walls like gauze .

    蜘蛛网象薄纱一样把墙都 遮掩了。

  • She veiled her face before she went out .

    她出去前先 面纱 遮住脸。

  • Veiled in mists the hills put on strange and bewildering scenes .

    在薄雾 笼罩下,群山呈现出种种奇怪和迷人的景色。

  • They launched a thinly veiled attack on his abilities as a leader .

    他们几乎不加 掩饰 对他的领导能力发起了攻击。

  • The aged senator Lodge exclaimed that it was a veiled threat to the United States .

    老参议员洛奇叫喊说,这是对美国的一种 含蓄的恫吓。

  • The veiled face of dark doom lures you .


  • The subtext of one of her next films was thinly veiled .

    这样她接下来的一部影片的潜 台词就不言而喻了。

  • NIV w_1110 And even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing .

    如果我们的福音被 蒙蔽了,那是对灭亡的人才蒙蔽的。

  • I replied with a thinly veiled warning .

    我以一种几乎不加 掩饰的警告口吻回答。

  • A hazy morning mist veiled the mountain village .

    山村 笼罩在一片白蒙蒙的晨雾中。

  • The innovations attracted him by their success and by the conspicuous merits which veiled their conspicuous defects .

    他被革新的成功和它们 足以 掩盖明显缺点的显著优点吸引住了。