velocity change

[vəˈlɑsɪti tʃendʒ][viˈlɔsiti tʃeindʒ]


  • In the satellite attitude control semi physical simulation system the output torque of the fly wheel in the executive unit is mostly obtained by computing the its velocity change .

    在卫星姿态控制半物理仿真系统中,执行机构飞轮的输出力矩多采用通过对飞轮转 速度 的计算来获得。

  • According to these improvements the multi grid differential optical flow algorithm can not only alleviate the error propagation effect but also adapt itself to larger motion velocity and lager velocity change .

    以此建立的多栅格微分光流算法不但可以有效地缓解误差传播效应,而且对大的运动速度和 速度 变化有很好的适应性。

  • Tide Variation of Earth Rotation Velocity Change

    地球自转 速率的潮汐 变化

  • Tests was carried out on cookies both in single and package unit to measure its velocity change and acceleration in different orientation in different damage rate based on damage boundary theory .

    以苏打饼干单片和单包为研究对象,应用破损边界理论,设计相关实验,测试饼干在不同破损率条件下各个方位的 速度 变化及加速度,构造出饼干的破损边界曲线。

  • And put forward the modification plan that the rectangular steering structure into the rectangular structure compared the change of flow field pressure and velocity change analysis of the influence of the flow field before and after the change .

    并提出了修改方案,把直角转向结构改成非直角转向结构,对比修改前后的流场压力、 速度 变化,分析前后变化对流场的影响。

  • Prestack depth migration and poststack velocity-varied structure mapping are two important methods to solve the problems about the seismic data imaging and structure mapping in the areas where lateral velocity change greatly .

    叠前深度偏移和叠后变速构造成图是解决 速度横向 变化剧烈区成像和成图的两种重要方法。

  • According to these improvements the differential optical flow algorithm based on multi-scale-space focusing can not only adapt itself to larger motion velocity and larger velocity change but also alleviate the error propagation effect through adopting bilinear interpolation operator . 3 .

    采用了基于多尺度空间的微分光流算法,不仅对运动速度和 速度 变化较大的情况具有很好的适应性,而且采用了双线性插值算子以缓解误差传播效应。

  • The characteristic of node offsetting of crank slider mechanism especially the velocity change after node offsetting and their application in different machines have been described .

    分析了结点偏置曲柄滑块机构的运动特征,特别分析了偏置后的 速度 变化以及由此可以应用的机床。

  • Industrial product is always realizing some functions during these processes product itself or one part displacement and condition will be changed the changes include shift change velocity change moving way change color change light change sound change and so on .

    工业产品总是要实现一定的使用目的,在实现目的的过程中产品或者产品某个部件发生位置或状态改变,这种改变包括位移、 速度 变化、运动方式变化、色彩变化、灯光变化、声音变化等。

  • Influence of velocity change on handling and stability of vehicle Analysis of Stability and Bifurcation of a Class of Car-Following Models

    车速 变化对车辆操纵稳定性的影响(英文)一类非线性车辆跟驰模型的稳定性与分岔特性

  • A method for direct computation of the differential seismogram with respect to the velocity change in a layered elastic solid

    一种直接计算层状弹性固体内相对 速度 改变的微分地震图的方法

  • Using experiment method the influence of air pressure to human thermal sensation MTS and draught sensation vote is studied then the effect of velocity change on human thermal sensation MTS and draught sensation vote under different pressure is compared .

    利用实验手段,分析研究了大气压力对受试者平均热感觉MTS和吹风感的影响,并将不同大气压力下MTS和吹风感随空气 流速 变化情况进行对比。

  • The jacobian matrix of 4-RPTR parallel mechanism is established by using the method called imaginary mechanism then establish the velocity equation And draw the input velocity change curve under the condition of uniform motion of the motion platform .

    运用虚拟机构法建立了机构的雅克比矩阵,并以此建立了机构的速度方程,绘制了在动平台匀速运动的情况下,机构的输入 速度 变化规律曲线。

  • This paper reported a method of translating the sampled signal into frequency field with FFT and selecting the material center and frequency band reasonably which can eliminate the image noise since the velocity change of scan-stage .

    介绍了用付立叶 变换方法将采样信号转换到频域处理的过程中,合理选择信号频域分布的质心位置和频带宽度等参数,可消除由于扫 不稳 造成的图像失真。

  • Even that seismic wave velocity change along with frequency induces frequency dispersion .

    甚至地震波 速度随频率 变化导致了地震波出现频散。

  • They are in effect equidistant from the Earth in terms of both metric distance and velocity change .

    然而,事实上从双方的度量距离和 速度 变化方面来说,到地球的距离是相等的。

  • The velocity change of instantaneous negative pressure wave along the pipeline is analyzed when hot oil is transported . Two searching methods are applied to locate leakage through numerical integral .

    分析了热油输送管道沿程瞬态负压波传播 速度 变化,采取两种搜索方法数值积分求解泄漏点位置。

  • Compared with single agitator the velocity rates of velocity change the distribution of apparent viscosity and shear rates at different height were analyzed .

    通过对单桨与内外组合桨产生的流场进行对比,研究了搅拌设备内不同高度处速度、 速度 变化率、表观粘度及剪切速率的分布特点。

  • The dynamic factors consist of water level rising and flow velocity change .

    水位的抬升以至 流速 变化等水流作用,均为动力因素;

  • The experimental results have shown that the flow field of density 100 % can not only be created by the algorithm proposed in this paper but also be provided with good computation accuracy and robustness for lager motion velocity and lager velocity change .

    实验结果表明,本文提供的算法不但能产生密度100%的光流场,而且对较大的运动速度及 速度 变化具有很好的计算精度和鲁棒性。

  • Theoretical calculations and experimental results all show that for controlling velocity change by using optimal control pattern pressure impact can be reduced to 1 / 5 of the pressure impact at velocity step change within the same transient time .

    理论计算及实验结果都说明用最佳控制规律控制 速度 转换,可在相同的过渡过程时间内使压力冲击降低为速度阶跃变化时的压力冲击值的1/5。

  • Result shows that stratigraphic buried depth denudation faults development extent basaltic intensity and variation in thickness of deceleration area are main reasons leading to velocity change in Jiangling Depression .

    结果表明,地层的埋藏深度、剥蚀作用、断层发育情况、玄武岩发育情况、低降速带的厚度变化等是导致江陵凹陷 速度 变化的重要原因。

  • Frequency converter drives motor to realize stable velocity change operating .

    变频器驱动电机,实现 调速运转稳定。

  • The conversion mechanisms of a chemical signal ( gas concentration ) into a physical signal ( SAW phase velocity change ) in SAW gas sensors and the way to separate them are discussed .

    讨论了在SAW气体的传感器中把化学信号(气体浓度)转换成物理信号(SAW相 速度 变化)的机制以及将它们彼此分离开来的方法。

  • DTW ( dynamic time warping ) algorithm is introduced to adjust nonlinearly velocity change during walking because of asynchrony problem of gait cycle .

    由于个体步态周期不同步问题,论文引入动态时间规整算法,对行走过程中可能出现的 速率 变化进行非线性调整。

  • Molecular beacon was employed as the substrate . By monitoring the initial velocity change of S1 nuclease with different zinc concentrations zinc detection could be achieved .

    使用分子信标作为S1核酸酶的底物,通过检测不同锌离子浓度下酶切初 速度 变化,实现了对锌离子简便、快速的检测。

  • Dynamic Collision-avoidance Planning of Mobile Robot Based on Velocity Change Space

    基于 速度 变化空间的移动机器人动态避碰规划

  • Due to situation that conventional Born approximation Fourier migration method can not image accurately the media with acute lateral variation of velocity this paper puts forward variational reference slowness Born approximation Fourier migration method . It can theoretically solve the migration image problem of arbitrary velocity change model .

    针对常规Born近似傅氏偏移方法对于剧烈横向变速介质不能精确成像的状况而提出了变参考慢度Born近似傅氏偏移,理论上解决了任意 速度 变化地质模型的偏移成像问题。

  • Air velocity is one of influential factors relevant to human thermal comfort . Because of the change of convection and evaporation heat exchange in different pressure environment the effect of air velocity change on hunan thermal comfort is different .

    空气流速是影响人体热舒适的因素之一,在低气压环境中,由于人体散热特性等变化,使空气 流速对热舒适影响具有与常压环境不同的 特点