velocity input

[vəˈlɑsɪti ˈɪnˌpʊt][viˈlɔsiti ˈinput]

[电] 速度输入

  • Moreover the effects of electro migration velocity initial concentrations of heavy metals and wastewaters maximum input velocity on the equilibrium adsorbance are also studied deeply .

    进而,探讨了电迁移 速度、废水 进口流速、重金属初始浓度对平衡吸附量的影响。

  • A detailed study of EPS system from perspective of assist characteristic and control strategies was carried out . In order to get the target current of the motor designed the fuzzy controller . It produced the assist characteristic curves at different velocity and torque input of steering wheel .

    对EPS系统的助力特性与控制策略进行了深入的探讨,设计了电动机助力目标电流的模糊控制器,得到了在不同 车速和转向盘力矩 输入下的助力特性。

  • Based on Hidden Markov Model a new prediction method on driving reliability is advanced . In which the velocity of following car the velocity difference and distance headway is input as observation variables the driver reliability is output as hidden variable .

    驾驶人可靠性预测方法研究。以后车车速、前后 车速差和车间距作为观察变量 输入,驾驶人可靠性作为隐含变量输出,构建了机动车驾驶人隐马尔科夫可靠性预测模型。

  • In this paper a simple constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer for turbulence research is described . The dynamic equations of the anemometer which relate the electrical responses V to the input velocity fluctuation U and to the input electronic test signal E ( t ) are derived .

    本文介绍BDL-1型恒温热线流速计,导出了流速计的 输出电压V对于 流速U与试验电压E(t)的动态响应方程;

  • The system detects the circle moment velocity displacement acceleration jump of input and output axes by the computer timely . It realizes the dynamic indexing precision and static indexing precision testing on dimensional globoid indexing cam mechanism .

    系统通过计算机实时检测 输入轴和输出轴的扭矩、 速度、位移、加速度、跃度,实现了对空间弧面分度凸轮机构的动分度精度检测和静分度精度的检测。

  • The interface transferring velocity increases with the input power directly .

    摩擦面转移 速度 输入功率之间存在正比关系。

  • Using radial basis function neural networks the mapping relation between lateral angular velocity and steering angle input is found .

    在线性二自由度角 输入前轮转向汽车开环模型基础上,利用径向基函数网络建立了汽车横摆角 速度 响应与方向盘角 输入之间的映射关系。

  • C. containment structure in a nuclear power plant are described and then under the condition of different shear wave velocity of the soil and different acceleration level of the input ground motion the effects of linear and nonlinear soil-structure interaction on the structural response are discussed .

    讨论了不同地基土剪切 波速 输入地震加速度条件下土&结构线性与非线性相互作用对结构反应的影响。

  • The paper establishes a double-loop control model suitable for three-phase electric regulating valve with large capacity presents the mathematical model of the velocity generator which takes increment of valve position as input and the velocity control strategy for fuzzy parameter self-aligning PID .

    本文构建了适用于大流量三相电动调节阀的双闭环控制模型,提出了以阀位增量为 输入量的 速度发生器的数学模型和模糊参数自整定PID的速度控制策略。

  • We calculated the hydrodynamic performance of tuna-like body when tuna swim in a uniform velocity and compared the input power coefficient output power coefficient and propulsive efficiency of the oscillating tuna-tail with or without body vortexes shedding .

    同时,计算了仿金枪鱼水下航行器 匀速直线游动时的水动力性能,比较了摆动尾鳍在有躯体影响与无躯体影响下的 输入、输出功率系数和推进效率。

  • The improved coning algorithm using angle velocity as input is designed to improve the accuracy for attitude compute .

    设计了角 速度输入的圆锥补偿算法,应用于陀螺 输出为角 速度的捷联惯导 系统,有效地提高了姿态精度。

  • A set of concise recursive formulae for determining the values of these forces was derived any one of structural response : displacement velocity or acceleration needed only for the input .

    即若 已知结构的任一种响应:位移、 速度或加速度,根据本文推导出的递推连锁计算公式便可确定未知作用力的时程。

  • In consideration of the micro vibration of the system and the self vibration of the turning machine a two dimensional fuzzy controller was designed in which both velocity and acceleration were used as input variables and the control voltage of actuator as output variable .

    针对机床系统振幅微小且有自激振动的特点,采用了带有两个调整因子的二维模糊控制器,其 输入速度和加速度信号,输出为作动器的控制电压。

  • Prestack migration of common shot records is very sensitive to the velocity input and demands a kind of continuation formula which can adapt to both vertical and lateral velocity variations .

    共炮记录叠前偏移对 输入 速度非常敏感,要求偏移中所使用的延拓公式能较为精确地适应速度的纵横向变化。

  • The calculating method of friction torque rotating velocity of the work-piece input energy and friction heat was proposed on the base of above friction model .

    以此为基础提出了惯性摩擦焊接过程中摩擦扭矩、工件 转速焊接能量和摩擦热流的计算方法。

  • The input manners of seismic motion are related to the selection of boundary condition considered the physical characteristics of the quiet boundary seismic velocity was changed into stress and the seismic input is realized .

    地震动输入形式与边界条件的选取有关。本文结合粘性边界条件的物理特性,将地震动 速度记录转化为应力记录,施加到计算模型的地震动 输入边界上,从而实现动力 输入

  • Some CV ( constant velocity ) plane hinge linkages with variable distance between the input and output axies are obtained by combination of simple CV plane hinge linkages .

    从最简单的等角 平面铰链机构出发,综合得到轴间距可变的 等角速平面铰链机构。

  • In the case of geophone array the transmission characteristic of the second order low-pass filter occurs between ground motion velocity at the geophone point of each channel and the input voltage of the channel 's preamplifier in seismic recording instrument .

    在采用检波器组合的情况下,各道检波点的地面运动 速度与地震仪中该道前置放大器 输入 的电压之间,呈现二阶低通滤波器的传输特性。

  • PID control uses the vertical acceleration of vehicle as the input source fuzzy-logic control uses the rotary acceleration and velocity as the input source .

    PID控制使用车身的垂直加速度作为输入变量,模糊控制作为PID控制的补充,以车身旋转角加速度和旋转角 速度作为 输入变量。

  • Experiment was made to simulate slow flow riverway of plain at the aim to find effect of water quality on current velocity and quality of input water .

    文章利用模拟实验开展了平原地区缓流河道中的水质变化对河道水流 速度 来水水质的响应规律研究。

  • The jacobian matrix of 4-RPTR parallel mechanism is established by using the method called imaginary mechanism then establish the velocity equation And draw the input velocity change curve under the condition of uniform motion of the motion platform .

    运用虚拟机构法建立了机构的雅克比矩阵,并以此建立了机构的 速度方程,绘制了在动平台匀速运动的情况下,机构的 输入速度的变化规律曲线。

  • Reduction of the initial velocity and input acceleration reduces overloading in all directions .

    水平速度和加速度会影响到缓冲器的工作特性,通过减小初始 速度 输入加速度可以降低各个方向的过载。

  • Secondly output responses of airship 's linear velocity and angular velocity according to the input of rotational speed of the motor and angular offset of rudders are analyzed based on the horizontal straight flight . Then we have the approximate model structure of linear transfer function .

    其次,以水平直飞为基础运动,分析了飞艇速度和角 速度状态对发动机转速 输入和舵偏角输入的响应,从而得到近似的线性传递函数模型结构;

  • The ship model is built based on the Conolly theory . The fuzzy controller of fin stabilizer is designed by using the fuzzy logic control which uses the roll angle and angular velocity of roll angel as the input and the fin angel as the output .

    基于Conolly理论建立了船舶模型,以横摇角和横摇角 速度输入量,鳍角为输出量,应用模糊控制理论设计了减摇鳍模糊控制器;

  • In conventional velocity analysis some adjacent CMP gathers are usually used as input data so as to improve the S / N ratio of velocity analysis results .

    在进行常规 速度分析时,为了提高速度分析结果的信噪比,通常采用相邻若干个CMP道集作为 原始数据。

  • Traditional coning compensation algorithm error greatly increased while angular velocity signal was algorithm input .

    以角 速率信号作为算法 输入时,采用以往常用的圆锥补偿算法,算法误差明显增大。

  • The robotic inverse kinematics model uses desired robotic linear velocity and turning radius as input and produces each driving wheel 's rotational velocity .

    运用逆向运动学模型,根据 PWLER期望的前进 速度和转弯半径可 确定出各驱动轮的速度。

  • Some of the control systems which need high-precision signals require high-precision digital position signal and velocity signal input to the digital processing system or microprocessor in order to achieve high-precision control of the rotation speed and position of the motor .

    某些对信号的精度有很高要求的控制系统需要将高精度的数字位置和 速度信号 输入至数字处理系统或者微处理器中实现对电机转角、速度及位置的高精度控制。