velocity area

[vəˈlɑsɪti ˈɛriə][viˈlɔsiti ˈɛəriə]

[机] 面积速度

  • With the improvement of the mine mechanization and the acceleration of mining velocity the area of the goaf is expanding and the residual coal is increasing . As a result the hidden dangers of the spontaneous combustion of coal in goaf become more prominent .

    随着煤矿机械化水平提高,开采 速度加快,引起采空区遗煤增多和 面积扩大,使得采空区煤炭自燃隐患更加突出。

  • The water erosion desertification in loess plateau is mainly related to climate and surface water environment . The concentrated rainfalls and low infiltration velocity in loess area make it possible that strong flows can be formed in a short time and this is the main water erosion pattern .

    黄土高原的水蚀荒漠化主要与气候和地表水环境有关,夏季的集中降雨和黄土 水的入渗 速度低形成较强的地表径流是水蚀荒漠化主要土壤侵蚀形式。

  • The earthquakes in high velocity area were mainly occurred in variation belt .

    分布在高速 的地震,主要活动在 高速 速度变异地带。

  • A highter velocity area centering around the outlet was formed in the flat of inlet .

    吸口上的速度都是在以出口为中心的左右两侧一定 范围形成一个 速度较高的 区域

  • The ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and the surface area of the body .

    在空气中运动的物体所受的牵引力与 速度和物体表 面积成绩的比。

  • By carrying out numerical simulation study some main conclusions can reach as following : ① By comparision of TN TP velocity Chla space distribution under difference water level conditions it shows Chla is high relatively at small velocity area .

    通过数值模拟研究,得出以下主要结论:①对比分析各水位条件下总氮、总磷、流速、叶绿素a的空间分布,表明 流速小的 区域,叶绿素a浓度相对较大。

  • The Qiangtang block low velocity area in crust may be caused by fluid water and partial melting materials . Partial melting due to friction of subduction and collision between Indian plate and Eurasian plate .

    羌塘块体地壳内 低速 可能是由于含水流体和部分熔融共同造成的,其中部分熔融是由于印度板块和欧亚板块俯冲过程中摩擦导致的。

  • The characteristic velocity area of nozzle throat and other parameters are calculated by using the static test results of solid rocket motor ( SRM ) and introducing generalized pressure coefficient and thrust coefficient .

    利用发动机地面试验结果,引入广义的压强系数和推力系数,计算了发动机的特征 速度、喷管喉部 面积等参数。

  • Curves of raising velocity against up-flow area diameter developed based on the model can describe response rules with the change of parameters such as substrate concentration air-lift distance and hydraulic retention time etc. in reactor .

    根据该模型绘制的升流 速度 升流管 内径变化的曲线可描述反应器在底物浓度、气提距离以及反应器水力停留时间等参数变化时的响应规律。

  • Depth Distribution of Shear Wave Velocity in Taiyuan Area

    太原 地区剪切 波速的深度分布

  • The Research on Determination of Sound Velocity Profile in Surveying Area using Multibeam Data

    多波束 测深数据确定 声速剖面方法研究

  • Simulations on icicle-melting under conditions of different heated temperature horizontal air velocity and contact area of icicle and air were performed and the melting time was obtained .

    通过对冰柱排在不同受热温度、水平 风速、冰柱与空气接触 面积和送风温度的情况下进行的数值模拟,得到冰柱在不同工况下的融化时间。

  • At present the study of seismic velocity in 2D area is mainly done in the 2D space and is not suitable for the large dip area because the media underground is three dimensional .

    目前,二维 工区的地震 速度研究主要在二维空间进行,不适用于大倾角地区。

  • This fits the critical sound velocity area produced in the blade channels when the inlet Mach number is 0.3 and shows the shock wave structure in the blade channels can help wall three dimensional flow area improved .

    这与叶栅通道内 声速 产生的临界进口马赫数0.3吻合,说明了叶栅中激波系结构对通道内的端壁区三维流动有改善作用。

  • The Tarim Basin is stable relatively the velocity of west area to Tarim is higher than that of the east rotates clockwise .

    塔里木地块相对较稳定,其 西部 运动 速度高于东部 运动 速度,作顺时针方向旋转。

  • When changes the supply air velocity and discharge area in the OR .

    在同样房间换气次数下,改变送风 速度和出风 面积,对OR。

  • Then the high velocity area with more than 4615m / s appeared and its rang was roughly the same with the location of inclusion ;

    随后出现大于4615m/s的 高速 ,范围大致与包体位置一致。

  • Using refraction method to detect low velocity layer in intricate area is difficult infield and poor in effect generally .

    在地表地形复杂的 地区进行低降 带探测时,采用常规地震小折射方法,在现场难以实施,而且效果往往不佳。

  • Above the depth of 10km the S wave velocity in north area is obviously lower than that in south area but within the depth of 10 & 20km the S wave velocity in north is higher than that in south .

    10km深度以上,北部 地区S波 速度明显低于南部地区,在10&20km深度范围内,北部地区的S波速度比南部地区高。

  • The pressure area and velocity area of material in two typical structure nozzle head of air pressed fused deposition modeling ( FDM ) are analyzed with finite element method and confirmed by experiments .

    对两种典型结构熔融沉积快速成型喷头中材料的压力场和 速度 进行了有限元分析和实验验证。

  • The Equitability and Suitability of the Log Linear Method in the Velocity Area Method

    25&40℃时,后部蚤数多于前部。 速度 面积法中对数线性选点的合理性及适用性

  • Acoustic-physical parameters of sea floor sediments of a low velocity continental shelf area

    海区陆架低声 底质的声学物理参数

  • Application of the most economic smoke temperature at exit of a furnace tank correspondent the optimum velocity and area of heat transfer will enable the economic benefit of the heating medium furnace to increase considerably .

    若采用炉膛最经济出口烟温以及相应的管内最佳 流速与传热 面积进行设计,将使热载体炉的经济效益明显提高。

  • The human-machine interaction method needs experienced researchers to determine velocity area when dealing with some discontinuous and isolated echoes they can rely on their experience to determine velocity aliasing area and judge the area occurs how many times the velocity aliasing .

    人机交互方法需要有经验的科研人员人工判断 模糊 区域,在处理一些不连续及孤立点回波时,可以凭借经验将其正确归类并判断出速度模糊的次数。

  • Choice of Materials in Design of Steel Linings in High Velocity Area

    三峡二期工程过水建筑高 流速 钢衬设计材料选择

  • Abnormal variation of the seismic lateral velocity in Shengbei area results in the uncertain structure and the failture of exploratory wells .

    由于胜北 地区地震 速度横向畸变大,致使局部构造难以落实,导致探井失利。

  • This is a preliminary exploration and has some reference value to estimate the shear wave velocity of this area .

    这是一项初步的探索,对初略估计这一 地区的剪切 波速 有一定的参考意义。

  • A wide ranging application of stainless compound steel plates to water-carrying structures in the high velocity area at the Three Gorges project will provide some thoughts and references to other water resource and hydro projects .

    三峡枢纽工程泄水建筑高 流速 不锈钢复合板的大规模使用,也为其它水利工程选择耐磨抗腐材料提供了一些思路或借鉴,供设计选材时参考。

  • Most earthquakes ( M ≥ 6.0 ) distributed within transitional zones between high and low velocity area or high velocity area in the upper crust the earthquakes in low velocity were minority .

    M≥6.0地震大多数分布在上地壳高速区与 低速 的交接地带或高速区,低速区内的地震活动相对较少;