


  • The debate over climate change is becoming more vitriolic by the week .

    有关气候变化的争论正一周周变得更加 尖锐

  • That Hp infection was not related to the expression of vitriolic mucus in IM cell ;

    Hp感染与肠化生细胞是否分泌 硫酸粘液无关;

  • He was subjected to the most vitriolic personal abbuse .

    他受到了最 刻毒的人身攻击。

  • We deplore the vitriolic nature of his remarks .

    他言语中 敌意 昭彰,我们深感遗憾。

  • Heidi Withers was berated as graceless and unladylike in a vitriolic email from Carolyn Bourne the stepmother of her future husband Freddie Bourne a businessman .

    在一封来自未婚夫、商人费雷迪•伯恩继母卡罗琳•伯恩的 刻薄邮件中,准新娘海蒂•威瑟斯被指责“粗野”、“不淑女”。

  • Peculiarity of Vitriolic Salt Smudge Soil and It Effect to Building Engineering

    硫酸盐 土的特性及对建筑工程的影响

  • Determine of Vitriolic Barium Photometry of Sulfur in Perchloric Sample Containing Low Sulfur

    高氯低硫样品中硫的 硫酸钡光度法测定 重土氧化钡)一种含钡 化合物 硫酸

  • Current Situation and Research Progress on the Comprehensive Utilization of Vitriolic Slag


  • Application Electromagnetic Flow-Meter in the Measure of Vitriolic Acid Flux

    电磁流量计在 硫酸流量测量中的应用

  • A New System for Measuring Density of Vitriolic Ion

    新型 硫酸 离子浓度测量系统

  • There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago .

    两周前一份周日报纸刊登了一 对他进行 尖酸恶毒攻击的文章。

  • A new method was studied for the determination of Nickel in Lead ingot in nitre acid after the main part were separated by Lead Sulphate . Determine of Vitriolic Barium Photometry of Sulfur in Perchloric Sample Containing Low Sulfur

    试验采用硫酸铅沉淀分离主体后,在硝酸介质中测定微量镍。高氯低硫样品中硫的 硫酸钡光度法测定

  • The initial response from zealots on both sides was predictably vitriolic .

    可以预见,两党的狂热信徒们第一反应都是 刻薄

  • NOTE : People and nations only rise in vitriolic complaint against Israel when Israel dares to retaliate against murder and destruction !

    注:人民和各民族的崛起,只有在 硫酸投诉,对以色列的时候,以色列胆敢对打击报复谋杀和破坏!

  • He gets especially vitriolic in discussing the strategies of the fast-rising German luxury makers which seem to keep adding more body styles – BMW Active Tourer anyone ?

    讨论迅速崛起的德国豪华车制造商的决策时,他会变得尤为 刻薄,因为这种讨论似乎总是围绕增加车型的种类&宝马ActiveTourer车型,有人要吗?

  • It has been observed that Cissie has more ability than stability but she puts on a good show of its vitriolic and unpredictable kind .

    他说:“当我看到 社论作者能如此透彻地理解我的 外交 政策时,我吃惊得差点从床上摔 下来”。

  • State-run media published vitriolic remarks about Weinstein from a slew of filmmakers .

    中国的国有媒体发表了许多电影人对韦恩斯坦的 刻薄评论。

  • Vitriolic impurity is contained normally in the sewage that vitriolic factory discharges .

    硫酸厂排放的污水中通常含有 硫酸杂质。

  • Some critics take pride in their prejudices slinging vitriolic barbs at a specific actor or genre with relish .

    有些评论家在固执己见的 同时保持 一定的傲慢,挺 不是 滋味儿地向某个特定的演员或者电影流派亮出他们毒辣的锋芒。

  • Mensuration of sulfate content in water by means of photometry of vitriolic barium


  • Calculate according to the experiment please the vitriolic solute quality mark in this sewage .

    请根据实验计算该污水中 硫酸的溶质质量分数。

  • Every writer on China knows that even mild public criticism of the middle kingdom generates vitriolic and sometimes deranged responses from Chinese nationalists .

    任何一位撰写有关中国的作者都知道,即便是对中国进行温和的公开批评,也会招致中国民族主义者的 尖刻回应,有时甚至是过激的反应。

  • Or take Fran ç ois Bayrou a centrist leader who kicked off his campaign by publishing a vitriolic book entitled Abuse of Power .

    或者看看中间派领袖白鲁(FrançoisBayrou)的看法,他出版了一本 尖刻的名为《权力的滥用》的书,开始了竞选运动。

  • Based on reviewing the rich fruit of the technology in treating and recycling the steel-pickling liquid waste of vitriolic hydrochloric and nitric acid this paper summarizes the trait applicability and developing direction of diversified methods .

    回顾了钢铁厂 硫酸、盐酸、硝酸的酸洗废水处理工艺与综合利用技术所取得的丰硕成果,总结了各种治理方法的特点、适用性及发展方向。