


  • The BBC series Hot Chefs is compulsive viewing

    英国广播公司的系列节目“当红厨师”是个让人一 就上瘾的 节目

  • Information for new users to add change cancellation and viewing details .

    新入用户信息的添加、修改、取消预定和 查看详细信息。

  • Viewing is by appointment only .


  • The RSE offers a comprehensive set of services for viewing IBM I system objects and source members .

    RSE为 查看IBMi系统和源成员提供了一个服务的综合系列。

  • Photography reconstructs our mode of viewing the world .

    摄影重构了我们 观看世界的方式。

  • The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot .

    第一集占据了傍晚的一个黄金 收视时段。

  • That shows how markets are viewing Australia .

    这说明了市场是如何 看待澳大利亚的。

  • Lieutenant Ryan closed his eyes first mentally viewing the different crime scenes then correlating the data .

    瑞安中尉闭上眼睛,先是在脑海里 回想一遍不同的犯罪现场,然后将这些信息联系起来。

  • Font for viewing and editing Korean documents .


  • The film provided an evening of nostalgic viewing .

    晚上放了一部 怀旧的影片。

  • ' Elizabeth R ' a TV portrait of the Queen had record viewing figures .

    关于女王的电视专题片《伊丽莎白女王》创下了 收视纪录。

  • Connecting to the Internet and viewing Web sites is easy in AIX .

    连接到Internet和 查看网站在AIX中相当简单。

  • The kdb command has many subcommands for viewing and formatting data structures .

    kdb为 查看和格式化数据结构提供了大量子命令。

  • You can enlarge and reduce the view for all the documents which appear in the viewing area .

    可以放大和缩小显示在 查看区域中的所有文档的视图。

  • Viewing and editing of images and textures with support for alpha channels and transparency .


  • In the viewing area click the about button .


  • If an error is found you can choose to continue viewing and debugging the page in the browser .

    如果发现错误,您可以选择继续 查看并在浏览器中调试该页。

  • This example will display different content in your sidebar based on what page the reader is currently viewing .

    根据读者现在在 浏览哪个网页,这个例子会在你的工具条中显示不同的内容。

  • In this case I am viewing the cyclomatic complexity of an individual method .

    在此例中,我正在 查看一个单独方法的圈复杂度。

  • For all documents displayed in the viewing area you can zoom inand zoom out the view as required .

    对于 查看区域中显示的所有文档,可以根据需要放大和缩小视图。

  • Show provides support for uploading encoding tagging viewing and commenting on videos .

    Video.Show提供了上传、编码、标签、 查看和在视频上评论的功能。

  • Next time more detail on publishing a spreadsheet to the server and viewing it in the browser .

    下次将会发布更多关于发表电子表格到服务器上和在浏览器中 阅读表格的细节。

  • The Test Map view provides two methods for viewing the input and output XML .

    TestMap视图提供了两种方法来 查看输入和输出XML。

  • In addition to being t a viewing and analysis environment the graphical explorer is an editing environment .

    除了用作一个 查看和分析环境,图形化浏览器也是一个编辑环境。

  • A top hatch and a side door or two side doors provide access to and viewing of the engine .

    一个顶面舱口盖和一个边门或二个边门提供引擎的通入和 观察

  • Weinre also supports viewing and editing the DOM and CSS styles of the debug target .

    Weinre同样也支持调试目标的DOM和CSS 查看和修改。

  • The color screen has a huge viewing angle and doesn 't fade in direct sunlight .

    颜色屏幕上有一个巨大的 视角和不褪色的阳光直射。

  • The monitor features a built-in power supply and an optional rack-mount adaptor for wall or spot monitor viewing .

    显示器为 观看墙壁监测和现场监测设置了内置电源和一个可选的机架适配器。

  • Market research showed that 93 % of the viewing public wanted a hit film channel .

    市场调查表明93%的 观众希望有一个播放热门影片的频道。