

n.长茸毛绒毛,长茸毛( villus的名词复数 )

  • Ahead to do this kind of surgery you must extract the fetal villi or amniotic fluid which is a harmful examination the fetus and pregnant women are likely to pose potential risks .

    超前做这样的手术,必须提取胎儿 绒毛或羊水,这是一种伤害性的检查,对胎儿和孕妇都有可能带来潜在危险。

  • Because of bad eating habits stress and toxins the villi can become impaired-breaking off or clogging up with glue-like toxic substances .

    由于不良的饮食习惯,压力和毒素, 绒毛能成为受损-中断或堵塞了胶类有毒物质。

  • The microvascular architecture of the small intestinal villi of Gallus gallus domesticus was investigated by the injection method with which gelatin mixed ink .

    本文采用墨汁明胶灌注法显示泰和鸡的小肠 绒毛微血管构筑。

  • Why would a baby have flattened villi ?

    宝宝的 绒毛怎么会压平?

  • The grape-like villi of a hydatidiform mole are seen here .

    图示的是葡萄胎由类似于葡萄状的 绒毛状物构成。

  • I villi company specializes in the production of various toys the main material for cashmere cashmere cloth woolen based .

    我公司专门生产各种 动物 卡通玩具,主要材料以绒、布绒、毛绒为主。

  • This is the normal appearance of small intestinal mucosa with long villi that have occasional goblet cells . The villi provide a large area for digestion and absorption .

    正常小肠黏膜,有较长 绒毛,偶尔可见杯状细胞。绒毛为消化和吸收提供了很大的面积。

  • In this hydatidiform mole there is atypical trophoblastic proliferation but villi are still present .

    图示葡萄胎有典型的滋养层增生,但 绒毛仍然存在。

  • Trophoblast cells isolated from Human Villi of early pregnancy and Study on Mechanism of abortifacient effect by Verbena officinalis

    早孕 绒毛滋养层细胞的分离纯化及马鞭草抗早孕机理的初步研究

  • The five million villi in the small intestine provide a total area for food absorption of more than five times the surface area of the body .

    小肠内五百万 绒毛 形成的食物吸收区,其面积比人体表面大五倍。

  • Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi as seen here are recovered outside of the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy .

    输卵管异位妊娠输卵管破裂口外侧可见血凝块和 绒毛

  • The lacteals of villi are part of the lymphatic system .


  • Expression of VEGF and its receptors FLT-1 in placental villi were measured by immunohistochemistry .

    以免疫组织化学方法观察VEGF及受体FLT-1在胎盘 绒毛中的表达。

  • Histologically the hydatidiform mole has large avascular villi and areas of trophoblastic proliferation . Of course ultrasound confirms the diagnosis before currettage is done to evacuate this tissue seen here .

    组织学上,葡萄胎有粗大无血管的 绒毛和增生的滋养层。超声确诊后,行清宫术。

  • The avascular villi of molar pregnancy are quite large . However these must be distinguished from simple hydropic degeneration seen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise .

    葡萄胎无血管的 绒毛是十分大的。须与单纯水样变性相区别。图示子宫内胎盘正在死亡。

  • To study the mechanism of chorionic villi TRAIL and its receptor in the spontaneous abortion

    早孕 绒毛TRAIL及其受体在自然流产中的作用机制研究

  • Inside our intestines are small finger-like projections called villi .

    我们的肠道内有小手指样的预测所谓的 绒毛

  • Villi are not present . Rather there is a proliferation of bizarre trophoblastic cells .

    绒毛不存在,明显 异型性的胚胎滋养层细胞增殖 显著

  • Effect of Mifepristone on Human 7-9 Gestational Weeks Placental Villi

    米非司酮对孕7-9周人胎盘 绒毛的影响

  • There is blunting and flattening of villi with celiac disease and in severe cases a lo of villi with flattening of the mucosa as seen here .

    脂痢病肠 绒毛变扁平,严重病例黏膜扁平、绒毛缺失,如右图所示。

  • Even if we eat all the right foods if our villi are not functioning properly the body will not be able to absorb and use the nutrition .

    即使我们吃的所有食物的权利,如果我们的 绒毛是不正常的身体将无法吸收和利用的营养。

  • The chorionic villi cannot be used to test for open neural tube defects .

    但绒毛膜 绒毛不能够被用于检测开放性神经管缺损。

  • Objective : To study effects of mifepristone on proliferation and apoptosis in early pregnant chorionic villi .

    目的:研究米非司酮对人早期妊娠 绒毛 滋养 细胞增殖和凋亡的影响。

  • Primary cell culture was made from 23 malignant trophoblastic tumors and 19 normal early pregnant villi .

    本文对23例恶性滋养细胞和19例正常早孕 绒毛滋养细胞进行了原代培养。

  • The wall is thin and almost transparent probably due to atrophy of the villi .

    壁薄,几乎是透明的,这可能是因 绒毛萎缩。

  • Results Clusters of malignant trophoblast appeared to be arising from residual normal chorionic villi with projection into the intervillous space in the infarct area of placenta .

    结果在胎盘梗死区域中,成簇的恶性滋养细胞直接起自残存 绒毛,并延伸到绒毛间隙之中。

  • The Relationship between the Expression Level of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor in the Villi Decidua Tissues and the Missed Abortion


  • The diagnostic value of transabdominal and transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound in the early pregnancy villi implanted into the uterine incision after cesarean section

    经腹联合经阴道彩色多普勒超声对剖宫产后子宫切口早期妊娠 绒毛植入的诊断价值

  • This paper introduces in detail he apparatus and method of extracting micro chorion villi tissue from early pregnancy .

    本文详细地介绍了一种早妊期吸取微量 绒毛的器械和方法。

  • On closer inspection early ischemic enteritis involves the tips of the villi .

    早期的局部缺血性肠炎 绒毛近距离检查。